Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Sekolah Baru, Adaptasiiiii

Alhamdulillah akhirnya kurang lebih udah sebulan aku diterima di SMA baru, SMA N 8 Yogyakarta :-) Walaupun belum terlalu mantap karena nem terbatas untuk masuk ke SMA yang diidam-idamkan #eaaaa. Kesan pertama masuk sini, WAW. mosnya bener-bener nggak aneh-aneh, siswanya cuma duduk, dengerin penjelasan di Aula berjam-jam dan nggak ada tes mental kayak di sekolah-sekolah lain. Alhamdulillah sih.

Pertama kita dibentuk kelas mos. Kebetulan aku masuk ke kelas X-H, yang nantinya jadi kelas CI / Akselerasi setelah kebentuk dan X-H bakalan dihilangin. Bener-bener udah klop dan ngerasa cocoook bangetbangetbanget sama temen-temennya tapi tiba-tiba... Tadi pagi diacak lagi. Kelas X-H doang. Nyesek sih iya, tapi kita udah coba ngomong sama kesiswaan dan nggak ada hasilnya. Jadi kita cuma bisa pasrah.

Begitu masuk ke kelas baru, ekspektasinya sih bakalan langsung gampang adaptasi, ngikutin pelajaran kayak biasa waktu di kelas X-H... tapi ternyata...... EKSPEKTASI SALAH BESAR. bener-bener bingung karena pertama kali masuk pelajaran biologi dan ada ulangan bab virus. Bejonya lagi, X-H belum diajarin apa-apa tentang bab itu. Tapi untungnya gurunya pengertian, dibatalin deh ulangannya jadi habis lebaran. Habis itu pelajaran-pelajaran lain lumayan bisa ngikutin, sampek pelajaran terakhir fisika, bener-bener NGGAK ADA YANG MASUK. kelas X-H ketinggalan jauh dan kita nggak tau apa-apa. bener-bener cuma mlongo ngedengerin gurunya njelasin sementara anak-anak penghuni lama jawab serempak seakan mereka bener-bener udah belajar itu dari lama, sedangkan kita NOL BESAR. syok banget jujur. dan waktu kita pulang sekolah dan sharing sama anak-anak kelas X-H lainnya, ternyata sama aja. Mereka juga ngerasain hal yang sama. Mereka bener-bener ngerasa ketinggalan pelajaran. Dan jeng jeng jeng... berakhirlah kita semua ke BK (Bimbingan Konseling) untuk minta pendapat ke guru-guru.

Setelah diskusi, ternyata hasilnya sama aja. Guru-guru cuma minta kita mencoba dan adaptasi. Yeah they said so cause they never experienced it -_- kesel bangetbangetbangetan tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Lebih kesel lagi waktu kelas lain tau kita protes pengen semua diacak dan mereka malah bilang kelas kita emang pantes diacak dan kelas mereka enggak. mereka bisa bilang gitu karena nggak ngerasain. but it's okay lah :-) intinya ya kita harus adaptasi sama lingkungan baru yang kita tempati. Ada untungnya sih, bakal nambah temen. Tapi sulit banget nyempil-nyempil ke kelas yang udah nggerombol gitu ._.

Ini nggak penting, tapi makasih yang mau baca :-) sekedar mengisi waktu luang setelah seharian berbalut kelelahan. Sekian :D

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

BLS ~ Permanent Marker #4 (Forgive Me)

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a few times. My temples were throbbing and I felt as if my brain were about to explode. I lifted my head off the pillow. My eyes hurt so much. I turned right to look up at the mirror and saw myself. I looked like a total shit. My hair's messed up roughly and my eyes were puffy-red. I felt my eyes drawn to the rectangular alarm clock that rested on the end table. Green numbers glared from the black surface, their links forming to read '08:36 AM'.

I rubbed my eyes slowly, letting out a sigh.

I didn't sleep well.

I could barely sleep, a figure of Justin came across my mind and every single time of last night make-out session was stuck there made the frustration that was currently racing through my veins become worse. An annoying voice echoed like I had a brain-damage. I took a deep breath.

What the hell did I think? Why the fuck did I do that stupid thing? Why did I become such a dumbass? I wasn't wasted, I wasn't drunk at all and I thought clearly.

I hated the fact that I kissed him back.

I barely even knew him.

'And this was Justin Bieber that you were talking to yourself about, Alyssa Cole. He was a teen pop phenomenon and you kissed him last night without even thinking. You're so pathetic.' I shook my head in slight disgust.

Suddenly came a voice that sounded so familiar. "Alyssa? You there? You in? You okay? You-"

"Chaz.." I replied in a hoarse voice. "I'm okay." I lied as my vision blurred. I felt like I wanna trow up.

"Can I come in?" Chaz asked quietly.

I covered my eyes with my arms and took a long-deep breath. "Yes Chaz." I mumbled.

The door was ajar, and a figure of Chaz appeared in the doorway. He looked super worried. I positioned myself to sit and motioned him to sit next to me.

"Alyssa, are you crying?" He asked me in high-pitched voice. He grabbed my chin and looked deep into my eyes.

I merely nodded, told him I was crying but I was not going to tell him about what happened the last night.

"Hey, what happened? Just.. tell me." He asked, now in low voice. His other hand landed in my cheek and rubbed it slowly, wiping my tears off.

I was confused by the moment. Should I tell him or just pretend like nothing happened? I might barely know Chaz, but I could tell he's a type of guy that couldn't let a girl crying in front of him. My fear was he's going to be pissing off to Justin and beat him or some more ridiculous things would happen. He'd not just sit here and saw me cry. He'd do something if he'd known what's the cause of my tears.

I took a deep breath. My eyes flickered upwards to stare back into his and i gave a small shake of my head.

"Alyssa, tell me!" He gave me a look of the merest confusion then he threw his hands away. "Is it a guy? I'll go ninja on him. Trust me that's..." He made some random hand gestures. "That's exactly going to happen." His eyebrows crinkled in confusion.

I gave a small shrug. "Chaz, you have nothing to do for me."

His jaw was set as I said so. "Did you just say you don't want to let me beat that fucking guy that I don't know who?" He furrowed his eyes in a slight anger. "Geez, that's not so me dude."

"I haven't even mention if a guy causes this." I replied bitterly.

He snapped his fingers. "But I know you would say so. Look, Alyssa, you said you want me to be your brother, and a brother's job is to protect his sister. And that's why I'm here. For you."

I began massaging my shoulder with a merest confusion in my mind. "Chaz, you-"

"I would do anything for you, Alyssa."

I cut off, staring at him in slight surprise for a moment. How the hell could he say so if he just knew me.

"I know that sounds cheesy. But it's true." He stated.

But then a smile grew on my face. I looked up to meet his gaze. "Thanks." I replied quietly. "Like you have no clue how much this means to me. I mean, you are already here for me. That means a lot." I added shyly, feeling my cheeks burnt.

Chaz gave me a smile in return. "Now, tell me who it is."

"Justin." I said simply.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "What?" He asked quickly.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't spell that guy's name wrong."

"What the fuck did he do to you?" He asked angrily.

I shrugged. "Well, he-"

"Though he is my best friend, I swear to God, I'm going to fucking kick his ass so hard." He muttered angrily under his breath, cutting across me.

"Chaz!" I yelled at him.

He merely looked at me in disbelief. His eyebrows still furrowed.

I shook my head slightly. "I'm sorry, I just... Listen, he didn't do anything bad to me."

"Go on." He replied impatiently.

"He kissed me." I stated quietly.

Chaz mouthed something that I thought was 'what?' "He kissed you?" He asked after he found his voice.

I nodded. "Yes, yes he kissed me."

"What the fuck?" He threw his hands in the air. An anger expression spread across his face. His eyebrows furrowed tighter. "You two just met and then you made out the other day?"

My jaw was dropped. I was unsure about how to respond. Chaz looked so pissed off and yet, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. "Chaz.." I said slowly.

"What?" He yelled at me in complete anger.

I covered my mouth in disbelief, staring at Chaz blankly and internally trying to process what's happening.

Chaz shook his head in disgust. "How could you two do something like that?" He looked up to send me a gaze.

I stared at him glumly for several long moments, biting my lip and sighing.

I was still shocked.

First, last night, Justin Bieber, my biggest idol ever, kissed me and made out with me. I might be happy cause it's my idol! That's what every belieber out there always wanted. It's every belieber's dream. But, now everything seemed different to me. I regretted doing that.

But I enjoyed it too.

Second, Chaz was so pissed off. I could not help but set my jaw with annoyance. Dammit. I had been hoping he wouldn't be so over-reacting after he heard this news from my own mouth. It was unexpected. Why the hell did he react so over like that?

Feeling slightly frustrated, I began to wrack my brains then, thinking furiously about some form of thing to say in response to that.

Once he'd realized that I didn't answer at all, he stood up and walked towards the threshold.


He merely ignored me, keeping his gaze focused on the door.

When he'd finally made it to the outside of my room, he turned back and stared at me blankly for a moment before my words seemed to register, for at that moment, he blinked and stated, "Sorry, Allie."


I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flicked it unlocked, staring blankly down at the screen where a new text message was displayed.

From: Chaz Somers
hey buddy, we need to talk. meet me. scoopers. now.

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, staring at the text blankly, then finally, I licked my lips and responded to the text, my fingers flying across the smooth glass surface of the touch-screen phone.

From: Justin Bieber
already here, Jerk. what do u wanna talk about?

I had just clicked my phone off and then I felt my phone vibrate again, causing me to jump.

I flicked it open and squinted slightly to make out the text message.

From: Chaz Somers
sumthin important. wait, omw

What the hell was he going to talk about? I wasn't in mood to talk to people since last night. A remembrance from that 'accident' really bothered me.

Caitlin with that fucking guy?

Or my accidental make-out session with Alyssa?

Both. I guess.

I felt like an annoyed shit. I didn't even talk to my mom since then. Sometimes she made me feel better through my problems. But this time, I didn't feel it's important to be shared with her. I just wanted to be alone right now but Chaz ruined it. He's standing in front of me right now. Looking at me with a merest disgust look that'd spread across his face.

"Umm.. Hi." I called.

He walked towards me and put on an expression like a PMS woman. I could tell he's completely pissed off.

With me. Maybe.

"Sup?" I asked quietly after he took a seat in front of me.

He drummed the table with his fingers impatiently. "What did you do last night?"

I furrowed my eyebrows tight. "What's that?"

Chaz rolled his eyes, seemed feel annoyed. "What did you do to Alyssa?"

I tore a gaze away, biting my lips in confusion.

"Justin!" He yelled and pounded the table. Immediately, several people around us turned to look at us, giving us weird look.

I felt my face burn bright red as I realized how loud that must have been. But Chaz seemed don't give a damn.

"Fine." I mumbled. "I kissed her."

He gave me a look, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. "Gee." He commented sarcastically. "Guess you're trying to hit on her."

I widened my eyes, shaking my head. "No. I just... I was depressed."

"Lie." He rolled his eyes. "God, you're so fucking annoying sometimes." He muttered irritably.

I sighed. "True, but you are always annoying."

His eyebrows shot up and a look of complete surprise came over his face. "That's not the way a guy talks to his best friend, is it, Bieber?" He raised his eyebrows annoyingly.

It was then I felt my stomach drop the merest bit and a small feeling of guilt swept over me. "Listen, I didn't mean saying that. I'm not in mood talking to people."

He merely looked at me, completely annoyed. "Forget it." He began coldly. "Just tell me the truth. Why?"

"Oh.." I said softly under my breath. "Like I told you, I was depressed. I saw Caitlin making out with a guy and that mind of doing a revenge came across my mind and I ended up kissed her." I explained honestly.

"But you couldn't just kiss her and ditch her like this."

"I didn't and don't ditch her!" I yelled. And again, people gave us a weird look.

Chaz threw his hands away. "Okay." He sighed. "But did you kiss her? You're hitting on her huh?" He looked down to his shoes.

"You jealous, buddy?"

He began massaging his forehead slightly and shrugged. "Dunno."

"Well, I can tell you are jealous."

"Hey! I'm not jealous." Chaz began, looking up at me to send me a glare with his narrowed eyes. "I just... I.." He shrugged.

I tidied my grey hoodie and licked my lips. "Admit it, you're jealous."

"Fine. I am." He stated simply.

Exhaling, I straightened up in my seat. To be honest, I was a little shocked right now. Of course Chaz was a kind of guy that liked to make out with some random school sluts but he usually didn't care about those girls. But that's definitely before Kayley came to his life. All he cared about was only Kayley. He's madly in love with her.

And now this Alyssa girl seemed a big deal for Chaz.

He cared about Alyssa.

"Kayley won't like to hear that." I commented quietly, flipping my hair to the side.

Another silent exchanged seemed to pass between us that apparently decided on something, for at that moment, Chaz nodded his head. "I know."

"Should I call her now?" I asked as I pulled out my phone from my pocket.


I stared down at my phone. "Alyssa."

"Oh." Chaz stopped for a moment. "You should. Considering you have to go to Los Angeles tomorrow for the MMVA."

I looked up at him for a moment before began speaking, "I will take Jaxon to LA with me and my dad. Jazzy is staying with Erin, can you at least visit her just for tomorrow?"

His face broke into a grin. "Kay. I'll take her out with Alyssa."

I grinned back at Chaz, nodding at him in agreement.

And my fingers began scrolling the touch-screen to find Alyssa's number that I got yesterday.

Once I found it, I touched "Call" and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" A raspy voice asked breathlessly into the phone. She seemed haven't got up from her bed.

I cleared my throat slightly. "Alyssa?"

"What?" She replied bitterly.

I glanced up at Chaz and gave him a nervous look. He merely sat there and smirked at me. I looked away again. "Listen, I.. I want to apologize."

There was a pause.

"I'm sorry." I added quietly.

"What for?" Alyssa asked, her voice beginning to sound clear.

I took a deep breath, frantically trying to decide the best way to go about answering her. "Last night." I answered as a nervous giggle came from my mouth.

"Oh." She replied, her voice cracking. "Nothing to forgive."

I sighed. "Look. I'm so sorry for being such an asshole last night." I stopped and looked around. "I impudently kissed you."

It was when that a sudden flash of remembrance hit me, and I was reminded of Caitlin kissed that strange guy and then I suddenly kissed Alyssa without even thinking.

I inhaled deeply, letting it out with a shuddering wave of nerves.

I was met with a resounding silence on the other end.

"Alyssa?" I called quietly, awkward.

"Yeah?" He called back flatly.

I twisted my fingers as I looked down. There was an awkward air between us. I didn't know what to say as the respond.

"You know Justin?" She began. "I was just shocked about what was going on last night. That's why I ran away without even leaving a word. I didn't know how to think or speak. I was so ridiculously shocked and my brain wracked as I tried to think clearly. I just didn't expect that you would do something like that. I mean, that's not a bad thing. But saw that you're stressed out about that girl named Caitlin kissed another guy and suddenly kissed me. I think that's a revenge, wasn't it?" He finished with a question that I couldn't process.


Of course that's a revenge.

And now a ton of guilts came across my mind, making my brain wanted to explode.

I shook my head slightly in disbelief. "Listen, Al. I didn't mean to do a revenge." I stated as Chaz put his hand on my right shoulder with a questioning look spreading across his face. His jaw was set and his eyebrows furrowed tight.

I slumped my shoulders and gave him a desperate look.

"It's okay." Alyssa stated simply.

"You know what I said to you that night?" I asked her, trying to remember what I did last night. She blushed a lot when I called her 'beautiful'.

And that was not a bullshit.

At all.

She was so good-looking. She's beautiful for sure. Her dark brown hair and hazel eyes were just so imperfectly perfect. Her skin's perfectly tanned and she's so damn skinny. Her face blushed a lot and made her look cuter.

I heard Alyssa mumbled. "Umm... yes."

I smiled slightly. "Well, that's definitely the reason why I... did that 'thing'." I looked at Chaz nervously. Trying my best not to speak too out loud so that Chaz won't hear.

I could hear she was giggling. "Bullshit." She stated after she stopped giggling.

And suddenly my smile faded away, replaced by a confused-look. "Hey! I'm not bullshitting."

"Then remember me again what you said last night."

I cleared my throat slightly in nerves. "Okay here. You are beautiful."

Chaz said noiseless and it seemed like 'what the fuck' whatsoever.

I pulled the phone away from my ear. "Calm the fuck down, bro. I'll explain, later. Okay?"

He crossed his arms and looked away, nodding.

I sighed before taking the phone closer to my ear again. "Al, do you forgive me?"

There was a long pause until Alyssa began. "Yes, yes I forgive you." She replied.

I widened my eyes in happiness. "Really?"

I could hear she chuckled. "Sure, Bieber."

"Thanks." I stated as I felt a blush creeped up onto my cheeks and they began looking red. "Wanna hang out? I'll pick you up." I asked awkwardly.

"Sounds good. I'll be ready at two."

I snapped the phone shut.

Chaz was clearly annoyed by the way I called Alyssa 'beautiful'. It was funny to see his expression because honestly Chaz never cared about a girl like this. And oh, I was going to hang out with Alyssa. Guess Chaz didn't like the idea. Seemed bad but I just wanted to hang out with Alyssa, just two of us without Chaz. Considering I'd leave Stratty to Los Angeles tomorrow, I wanted to talk face-to-face with her. Plus, I was so depressed so without being an asshole, i admitted that seeing her gorgeous face might cure this heartache.


Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

BLS ~ Permanent Marker #3 (You Certainly Know You're Beautiful)

"I always love this place!" Chaz yelled. He threw his hand in the air happily, giving a cheeky grin at me.

I rolled my eyes in confusion. "What the hell is this place?"

Chaz clasped his hands. "Avon-" He broke off for a moment. "Theatre."

My eyes widened in evident surprise. "You've got to be kidding me!"

He merely shrugged.

"Chaz.." I looked around, checking out. "It's-" I covered my mouth in a slight disbelief as if my tears began to show. "Amazing."

He nodded his head solemnly. "Yeah." He replied. "Have waited for years for this day to come, Alyssa Bieber?"

I smacked him on the arm. "Shut up. You're annoying."

"Oh, you're gonna regret it. Just wait and I'll make you crazy in love with me." He winked teasingly.

"No you won't." I replied, nudging him in the arm.

Chaz shrugged slightly. "Who knows, Babe?" He stated.

"Stop calling me like that, Chaz. I've told you that before and I'm going to kill you. That's annoying, unless I'm your girlfriend. But the fact is I barely know you but you call me with that flirtatious nickname." I stated, shaking my head and feeling my cheeks burn the tiniest bit with a blush.

"Okay.. sorry then. Have I told you it's just funny to make fun of you?"

I nodded.

"Allie, listen. I know that we've just met and we haven't got to know wach other. But since I don't have any sisters nor brothers, I hope you would be my sister. I just-"

"I know how it feels." I said quickly, cutting across him. "And me too, I consider you as my brother."

"Well-" Chaz stopped for a second and looking down at his shoes. "Can I get a hug from you?"

I let out a giggle. "Why not?"

This conversation's awkward though. But I didn't lie. I wanted to consider him as my brother since I don't have any brothers either. And gave him a hug wasn't a bad idea. So I stepped towards him and opened my arms widely, giving him a friendly hug.

"Thanks Allie." Chaz said as his hands slowly went down to my waist.

"Since when you call me 'Allie'?"

Chaz chuckled. "Since you told me to stop calling you 'Babe'."

I broke apart and stared at him with a huge smile, before suddenly, I felt myself turned bright pink and to avoid his gaze I looked away, clearing my throat awkwardly.

"Anyway, your present is waiting outside." He jabbed a finger through my shoulder.

I turned back and furrowed my eyebrows in a slight confusion. "Oh, let's meet 'my present' then." I raised an eyebrow.

"Aight." I heard Chaz's steps being closer to me and suddenly Chaz's hand grabbed mine and then he leaded me to walk outside in unison.

Once we got outside, there was nothing but a person in his gray hoodie. I cleared my throat awkwardly and gave Chaz a who-the-hell-is-he look.

He merely shrugged and raised his eyebrows at me, unclasping his hand and walked towards the guy in gray hoodie. "Hey buddy." Chaz called in a high-toned voice and gave a hug to that mysterious guy. He placed his hands on the guy's shoulders and smiled widely.

The guy turned around and a very-very-familiar-good-looking-and-sexy-face began to show up.

I felt my jaw dropped and hit the ground. My eyes opened widely in utter disbelief as the guy sent me a small grin. 'I know I'm sleeping and having an amazing dream'. This must be the best dream ever and I didn't want to wake up.

"Hey." The guy greeted me in his raspy voice.

I ran a hand through the edge of my hair and replied shyly. "Hi.. Justin Bieber."


Justin took a seat right next to Alyssa while Chaz sat across her. She kept avoiding Justin's gaze but he'd known it. He could tell from the way she smiled, she was blushing every time she talked to Justin and that made her looked tenfold prettier.

"So, how's your days in Chaz's house. I hope Chaz didn't bit you whatsoever." Justin stated and did his best not to laugh.

Chaz gave him a strange look. "What the fuck, dude?"

Justin smacked him on the arm and smirking. "Call down, Somers."

Alyssa blushed in her laugh. "Well.. Justin Bieber, I'm.."

"Justin... Just call me Justin. Okay?"

"Dude, she's just too shocked about what's going on. She meets the teen pop phenomenon, the most famous fucking teenager in the entire goddamn world, the heartthrob that all the girls scream over, the one who-"

"Chaz!" Alyssa yelled at him. "Just.. Shut up." She murmured under her heavy breath, but then she blushed.

Justin laughed hard. "You're blushing that much, huh?" He grinned widely at her. "It's cute, though."

She laughed slightly. "Thanks?"

"That's true, I'm not bullshitting." Justin assured her.

She blushed deeper, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Chaz put his hand on his hips and cocked his head at Justin, raising his eyebrows questioningly. "Trying to flirt her, huh? Trust me dude, I've tried and-" He cleared his throat. "I'm failed." He muttered.

Justin laughed loudly, joined by the chorus of Alyssa's giggle. "But i'm trying and it works."

There was a pause.

Alyssa froze, feeling complete and utter shock take over her, but she knew she'd blushed. "Wait.. what?" She asked loudly after a moment of silence.

Chaz placed his hand around Alyssa's waist and winked at her. "He's flirting on you, babe." He whispered. "Back off dude, she's mine." His arms were shaking as he laughed loudly.

Alyssa pushed him away from her, rolling her eyes and groaning loudly in annoyance. "Shut uppp." She said, playfully smacking him on the arm.

"Is Chaz your boyfriend, Alyssa? Are you two dating?" Justin asked jokingly.

Alyssa groaned loudly again. "Oh my gosh! That's not even funny!"

Chaz and Justin started laughing.

She began massaging her forehead, closing his eyes as she did so. "Can you two just stop? That's annoying. I'm serious."

"I like you too babe." Chaz teased.

Alyssa gave Chaz a pointed look angrily. "What the heck?"

"I like you more babe." Chaz leaned towards Alyssa to kiss her on her cheek but She quickly pushed him away. He just laughed louder. "Chaz! Just stop. It is not even funny."

Justin furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "Buddie, stop it. Done with the joke."

Chaz merely looked at him before he threw his hands away and shrugged. "Fine. End of story." He yelled. "And Alyssa, you can hate me now."

Alyssa tilted her head and shook it, giving Chaz a huge smile. "I know you were joking. So, no, I won't hate you for a stupid reason."

Chaz slung his hand onto her shoulder and smiled widely. "Hehe, thanks cutie."

Alyssa merely looked at her food, feeling a slight blush crept onto her cheeks.

Justin cleared his throat loudly, pretending to look away somewhere. A random feeling came across his mind as he turned to look at Chaz and Alyssa and saw them hugging each other with amusement. He faked a small smile as the two broke apart.

And suddenly, a loud ringing penetrated the air. Chaz's phone was ringing.

"I'll be back in seconds." He said before he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Alyssa and Justin exchanged looks and then nodded in unison. Chaz left the two others to the quiet place so that he could answer the call.

There was an awkward moment as Chaz'd left between Justin and Alyssa.

"Nice to meet you, Alyssa." Justin began, smiling widely.

Alyssa gave a small grin. "You too." She replied.

"So, tell me. Are you going to spend this semester in Stratford High School?"

She shrugged. "Actually, these two semesters. I'm staying here for a year." Alyssa stated.

"Cool." He replied simply.

And again a sound of phone going off loudly. Alyssa felt something vibrated as the sound went louder. She reached her phone and flipped it open. He eyebrows furrowed as she checked the front screen of her cellphone. Why did this person call her?

"Who's that?"

She looked up and shrugged. Her eyebrows furrowed even further. "Chaz." She replied as she unlocked the phone, answering the call and pressing the phone to her ear. "Chaz?" She asked.

"Alyssa?" His voice came. "Listen, I gotta pick my mom up at the airport now. Sorry Al, is it okay?"

She glanced up at Justin and nodded. "Yeah Chaz, I'm okay." She stated.

"Justin will drive you home. I'll ask him."

Alyssa nodded in respon, though she knew Chaz couldn't see her. "Thank you. But, I can ask him."

"Okay Al.. Sorry again. See you at home."

"Bye." Alyssa replied.

Pulling the phone away from her ear, she sighed. Staring down at it and pressing the 'end' button. She snapped the phone shut. She sat there for a moment of silence, doing nothing but staring at the phone nervously.

"What did he say?" Justin asked.

Alyssa tried not to blush. She had to ask Justin but since they just met, it's kinda weird to ask him to drive her home now. She didn't use to talk to boys much, moreover asked a guy to drive her home in their first meeting.


Alyssa looked up at Justin. She cleared her throat before she began saying. "Chaz is going to the airport to pick his mom up."


"Since I'm new here and don't know my way back, can you drive me home?" I asked awkwardly.

Her smile grew widely. "Sure. Why not?"

Alyssa laughed slightly in embarrassment. "Thanks."

"With a proviso."

"What is it?"

He folded his arms in front of his chest and looked away to the right, grinning. "We're staying here until I get bored."

"We're what?" Alyssa asked in alarm.

Justin merely shrugged. "Staying here, beautiful." He stated simply.

Alyssa blushed, looking down at her fingernails and examining them shyly, a rouge tinge creeping up her cheeks. "Okay and.. thanks." She said quietly.

And here they are, laughing their asses off like complete idiots.


Justin stopped his car slowly, turning his head to look at me in the passenger seat next to him. A wide smile spread across his good-looking face. His hazel eyes bored into mine. I'd been spending the whole day with him, since Chaz left us at Avon Theater, and now he'd driven me home. I wondered idly what time was it, but my mind was for the most part focused entirely on one thing, the moment when Justin had called me beautiful.

I just couldn't seem get it out of my head.

Regardless, it was practically driving me insane.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thanks, Justin." I stated quietly.

I stared at Justin for a moment. He stared back at me for a moment in silence.

"You know? You are beautiful."

I could do nothing but stare at him in shock. This is what I'd been thinking. He'd called me beautiful for the second time. It seemed completely and unlike Justin to say something like that in such a non-flirty, genuine way.

And suddenly, he leaned forward and holding my face in his hand. His lips is inches away from mine. And so, without really thinking about anything else at the moment, I reached my hand up, wrapped my fingers around the side of his neck and leaned up towards him. We both closed our eyes.

"Baby!" Someone outside the car yelled loudly.

I quickly broke apart before my lips would press against him. He cleared his throat awkwardly and turned to look straight at the street.

I started massaging my forehead. Thank God, whoever that yelled, i owed him a lot.

And suddenly a guy passed the street in front of Justin's car and yelled loudly. "Caitlin."

Justin's hand reached up and immediately shut off the overhead light, plunging the two of us into complete darkness.

"Justin.." I whispered, glancing over at him and I could see him stared at the guy. His face was solemn with the merest anger.

I looked forwards again, directing my gaze back towards the couple in the distance. A brunette girl appeared in a black short shorts and dark blue tank-top. She leaned forwards and placed one hand lightly on the back of the guy's neck, standing up on her tiptoes and placing her lips firmly against his, kissing him passionately.

He reached up rand holding her face in his hand, the other hand was slid onto her waist and kissed her back. They broke apart and the boy slung his arm onto her shoulder, they began walking downwards the street and disappeared.

I trailed off, letting my eyes slide to the right until they landed on the figure of Justin. His whole body looked like it had stiffenef and his jaw was set. And i could tell, he was hurt. Justin Bieber was hurt.

Justin turned to look at me, the faintest trace of surprise etched across his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows and gave him a look of the merest confusion. "Who the hell were they?"

He merely stared at me.


"She was-" He shook his head. "Caitlin."

I stared at him blankly, unsure of what exactly what I should say. I didn't even know who the fuck Caitlin was! "Who.. Who's Caitlin?"

He didn't respond to my question.

"Well-" I began awkwardly, swallowing. "Umm.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine." He replied, shaking his head. "I don't care. I mean.. She's just my crush."

Suddenly I felt a strange sadness seem to take over me, and I stared down at my hands, twisting them awkwardly in my lap.

"Look-" He cut off to clear his throat. "Alyssa, It's fine. I know she has a boyfriend." He finished his sentence.

I whipped my head to the left to stare at him. I closed my eyes and sighed. But before I could open my eyes, I felt Justin's lips crashing down onto mine and I felt him kiss me fiercely, running one hand along my waist and the other through my hair. I was in shock but all I wanted to do was feel his lips against mine. I pressed my lips firmly back against his, feeling some strange sort of happiness course through me, feeling as if I had just kissed soft velvet.

I breathed in a scent of his cologne then, filling my entire nostrills with it and suddenly feeling rush of passion. Next thing I knew we were in an intense make-out session.

After what seemed like hours, we broke apart, gasping for air. I breathed rapidly as my chest rose and fell quickly. And then I opened the car's door and running inside Chaz's house. I couldn't even think about what happened to Justin and me.

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

BLS ~ Permanent Marker #2 (A Brand New Day)

A month had passed and here I stood in front of my host-family's house in the Stratford, Ontario, Canada, being an exchange student for a year. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the wooden floor of the porch. This house is totally amazing! A luxury wooden house. I convinced myself that I'd be able to adjust quickly.

I knocked the door three times until a boy who looked approximately at the same age with me, or older, I guess, opened the door. He flipped his brown hair that drifted to the left and gave me a strange look, his brown eyes widened in evident surprise. Suddenly, a woman emerged through the door.

"Alyssa Cole?" she asked, pointing a finger at me.

I nodded, tucking some loose strands of my hair behind my ear. "Yep." I replied, popping the 'p'.

"Oh Gosh!" A broad grin spread across her face. She hugged me tightly and then broke apart. "Please come in." She stepped back and lead me entering the house.

I looked back at the boy that's merely standing on the threshold. I stared at him for several moments, ok, he's good-looking. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me. "Distant Relative, huh?"

I shook my head and feeling my cheeks burn the tiniest bit with a lush.

"Chaz, what'd you do there? Help her lifting her luggage up to her room." She pointed a finger to Chaz, giving him a pointed look.

Chaz snorted, leaning down to grab my luggage I was holding and then wheel it upstairs to drop off my luggage.

I turned, opening my mouth to respond to her, but she quickly cut across me. "I'm Lee Huston. Mrs. Somers." She stated.

"Well, Mrs. Somers. Thank you for being my host family." I stated in a flattered voice, smiling at her sincerely.

She trotted to hug me. "Consider as your own house." She broke her lips into a small grin. "I have to go for a while now. Chaz will stay with you to give a little tour."

I nodded, feeling a slight burn to my cheeks.

Five minutes afterwards Chaz was there in front of me. I stared at him for a moment. There's something that annoyed me from the first time I saw him. I felt like he was so familiar to me.

"Alyssa Cole, right? I'm.." He broke off for a moment. "Chaz Somers."


"Yes, you can just..."

"Wait, no!" I cried, trying to remember something.

Chaz cut off, staring at me in slight surprise for a moment. I looked down at the ground, shaking my head. "Chaz Somers? That sounds familiar." I said, speaking in low voice so only myself could hear. my eyes flickered upwards to stare back into his and i gave a small shake of my head again. My eyes bright as my stomach made an unpleasant swoop. "Aren't you Chaz Somers? Justin's best friend?" I took a deep breath, jabbing a finger over my shoulder. "Justin... Justin Bieber's best friend?"

Chaz opened his mouth to respond, but I quickly cut across him. "Yes you definitely are!"

He shrugged. "Well, that's right."

"Cool." I stated then burst out laughter.

"What's so funny?" Chaz glared at me in confusion.

I shook my head slightly. "Well, nothing. It's just... It's awkward having you, a best friend of the most teenager in the entire goddamn world, the biggest heartthrob that all the girls scream over, teen pop phenomenon, Justin Bieber as my host-fam." I let out a chuckle.

"I guess you're a huge belieber that'd been diagnosed with Bieber Fever, fangirling over him the whole day and would die to go on tour with him, whatsoever."

"Hey!" I yelled. "I... I'm not that addicted!" I shrugged. "I'm just a fan.."

Chaz grinned at me and halted for a moment. "Well, you have to meet him later."

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks then nodded.

Chaz sat on the couch, motioning me to take a seat next to him. For two or three hours we got to know each other better, laughed at some hilarious jokes - he's a total badass. Having a conversation like that with him seemed like we'd known each other for years. And like there's no tomorrow.


"Wake up sleepyhead.."

"Ummhhh...." I muttered as someone whispered in my ear. "Later mom.."

"Alyssa, Babe, wake up.." That sound went louder.

"Lat..." I opened my eyes in shock, rolling my eyes and landed them on Chaz's eyes who bored into mine.

I almost forgot the fact that I wasn't in Melbourne anymore but it's Stratford and the fact that I lived in Somers house from now on, not mine. It's hard enough to get used to all of this. It's time to start a brand new day here. I sighed, rubbing my forehead with my fingers.

"Just get up, Babe." Chaz stated in a flattered voice, smiling at me sincerely.

I positioned myself to sit. "Don't call me like that." Shaking my head, I reached over to gently smack him on the arms. "I'm not your babe.."

Chaz crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me. "Why, Babe?"

"Just... Don't." I shook my head again and feeling my cheeks began to burn and turn a bright red.

Chaz's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion as he stared straight at me. "C'mon Babe, let's take a walk around."

In spite of how annoying I thought he was, I couldn't help but smile a little. "Kay..." I nodded.

"That's my girl." He replied, winking at me and turned to leave my room.

"Chaz! Shut up!"

He turned to look at me. "What?" Chaz asked, his eyebrows still furrowed. "I'll give you a bieber tour. You know, from the steps of the Avon Theatre where he first started singing, the schools he went to, the ice cream parlour he went to after soccer games and the skate park where he learned his moves for his videos, and..."

"Serious??" I asked in disbelief.

Chaz gave me a little smirk. "I'm just a fan.." Chaz exclaimed, putting on a fake high voice to mimic ME.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him, but then burst out laughing. I felt my face burn with embarrassment and my cheeks turned a brilliant shade of red.

"Someone's blushing now.."

"I'm not blushing." I protested.

“Yes, you are. You’re totally blushing.” Chaz replied, smiling even wider, a teasing expression on his face.

I stared down at my feet. "Shut up, Somers."

There was several very long moments of silence. "Aight, meet me downstairs at seven." He pointed a finger at me.

I merely nodded. I knew I had a huge grin on my face, I was clearly extremely excited.


"So, where are we?" I glanced around, checking out the place where Chaz and I were.

"You don't have any ideas?" Chaz asked.

I shook my head slightly. "I just know that this is exactly a diner?"

"Yep." He replied, popping the 'p'. "King's Buffet." He entered the diner and motioned me to follow him. We ordered the same foods and there was a pause between us for awhile until finally I began to talk.

"So, what's the relation among this diner and Bieber?"

"Well." Chaz started. "It's the location of Justin's first date."

I gave him an 'are-you-serious?' look, tilting my head in confusion.

"You know, where he spilled spaghetti and meatballs all over himself!" He laughed out loud.

I couldn't help but laughed. Of course I knew exactly what this place was. I knew what happened with Justin and his date. I spent hours at home, dating with my computer, reading bieberfacts and fangirling over Justin the whole nights. Of course I knew we're currently at King's Buffet, 1010 Ontario Street.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Chaz seemed annoyed with my gaze.

I shook my head. "It's-" I cut off for a moment. "Nothing. I just thought if Justin was that bad, how about you? You must be the worst man-date." I giggled, snapping my fingers after finishing my sentences.

"Hey!" Chaz yelled at me. "I'm the best date ever. Every girl wants to take me as their date in the next spring date." He winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't try to fool me, Somers."

"I'm not fooling you, Babe." He replied in a raspy voice that sounded so much sexier. "I know you too want to take me as your date." He winked again.

"You wish." I spat bitterly and lowered my face to finish my meal.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked in the middle of finishing my beverage.

Chaz thought for a moment, clearing his throat. "Stratford Perth YMCA. We're gonna hit the basketball court."

"Sounds fun. But I'm such a lame-ass on that game." I blatantly said through narrowed eyes.

Chaz chuckled. "I'll gladly help you."

"as if you can?"

"I'm better than Ryan and Justin." He replied, looking up to send me a grin. "Maybe." He shrugged.

Chaz and I burst out laughing. I looked into his gorgeous eyes as his looked into my bright brown eyes that were framed by dark lashes. There was an awkward pause until I broke the gaze and looked down.

I brushed a stray strand of dark brown hair out of my eyes, tucking my side-swept bangs behind my ear. My dark brown hair completed my olive skin tone nicely.

Chaz cleared his throat loudly. "You know what?"

"What?" I replied without meeting his look.

"You are beautiful-" Chaz cleared his throat again. "Reminds me of my girlfriend."

As I opened my mouth to speak, I felt my breath catch in my throat and a weird sound erupted from my lips.Without notice, my cheeks began to burn and turn bright red, taking over my face like wildfire. I looked up to meet his gaze.

Chaz grinned stupidly at me. "To be honest, you are prettier than her," He said flirtatiously, grinning at me again.

I let out a chuckle. "You always do this to every girl you meet, don't you?"

"No.." Chaz stated, looking at me in alarm. "Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror?"

I felt my cheeks started blushing. I nodded slightly. "But... Chaz. Your girlfriend will dislike that statement if she's here." I jabbed a finger over my shoulder.

He shot me another of his charming smiles. "She's not even here."

I rolled my eyes. "I know that."

Chaz shook his head, glancing down at his meal. "We're...umh. Kind of doing a fucking long-distance relationship. It's suck!"

I open my mouth in disbelief. I never have a thought like this about him before. I meant, I thought he was a kinda guy that's full of PDA whenever and wherever. I didn't know how to react to that unbelievable statement. It froze my mind for a moment and I could barely think or move. This was so unexpected.


Chaz leaned down to grab a basketball and dribbled it. I gazed at him in a so-you-think-you-can-shoot-that-ball-into-the-damn-basketball-ring look. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes.

"This was one of Justin's most frequented courts in Stratford. He spent hours here working out and playing basketball with Ryan and me." He stated as the ball glided smoothly and went into the ring.

'He's good' I thought.

"Kayley used to join us too." Chaz added, broke his face into a fake smile. I could clearly see it through his eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Kayley?"

He refused to meet my eyes. "She's-" His hands were shaking back and forth in weird moves. "My pretty girlfriend."

"Where is she now?" I asked slowly.

Chaz clasped his hands. "Aussie." He began.

"Wow, that's... my hometown."

Chaz's mouth slowly dropped open and he stared in utter disbelief at me. There was a several moment of silence until he tore his eyes away longingly and let out a groan.

"Um, Chaz? Sorry." I walked towards him in a slight guilty. "I didn't mean to.."

"No problem," Chaz stated, cutting me off.

I sighed then tightening my high ponytail before I let it drop down, swinging back and forth once across my shoulders. Chaz let out a small giggle. His expression slowly changed, he turned his head to send me a gorgeous smile. "Let's just move to another place. Basketball ain't a good idea." He slumped his shoulders.

I nodded, clearly understood why so.

"Forget this goddamn conversation and go on. We have to finish this tour soon so that you can get your surprise."


"Oh fuck!" He muttered. "Since I'd told you I have something for you, it's not surprise anymore after all."

I chuckled. "That's okay, Chaz. Let's get outta here."

He furrowed his eyebrows and slung his arm on my shoulder, shooting a cheeky grin at me. "Okay, Babe."

There was a pause.

I gave him a pointed look. "One more 'babe' and I'll kill you, Somers."

He raised his hands as if he'd already given up. "Okay! I won't. It's just so funny to make fun of you." He jabbed a finger over his shoulder and shook his head. "Sorry, Cole."

"That's better," I replied.

(A/N) Sorry for the grammar. I'm not an American, British, nor Australian ._.V

Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Justin Bieber's Twitter Score Card

  • most influential twitter celebrity 2011 versi majalah Forbes
  • 84.846 kali dalam satu hari nama JUSTIN BIEBER di tweet-checked
  • 11.000 followers baru dalam satu hari
  • 292.069 mentions di hari ulang tahunnya, 1 Maret 2012
  • 3% dari Twitter Traffic dunia berisi tentang JUSTIN BIEBER
  • 100 SKOR KLOUT (score menentukan seberapa terkenal dan berpengaruhnya seseorang di Twitter dengan skor 1-100) @justinbieber
  • 87.882 RETWEET ketika Justin nge-tweet "I'm sexy and I know it."

sumber : majalah kaWanku edisi 126

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Justin Bieber - Die In Your Arms Lyrics

Say you love me, as much as I love you
Would you hurt me baby, could you do that to me yeaa?
Would you lie to me baby? Cuz the truth hurts
so much more

Would you do the things that drive me crazy,
leave my heart still at the door?
I can’t help it, I’m just selfish
There’s no way that I could share you

That would break my heart to pieces
Honestly the truth is
If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind
cause everytime you touch me i just

Die in your arms, oh it feels so right
So baby baby please dont stop girl
Oh baby, i know lovin you ain’t easy, but it sure is
worth a try

Ohhh if there is a reason to call me a fool
Cuz i love too hard…are there any rules baby?
If this is a lesson, then baby teach me to behave
Just tell me what i gotta do, just to stay right next to you

I cant help it im just selfish, theres no way that
I could share you
That would break my heart to pieces
honestly the truth is

If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind
Cause everytime you touch me i just

Die in your arms, oh it feels so right
So baby baby please dont stop girl
Basically im saying here, i cant live without my baby
Loving you is so damn easy for me

Aint no need for contemplating, promise you wont keep me waiting
Tell me baby im all that you need
If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind
Cause everytime you touch me

I just die in your arms, oh it feels so right
So baby baby please dont stop girl
If i could die in your arms.
( gonna make you believe girl )
I wouldnt mind

Ay ay ayyyy. Dont stop baby no

Its what you do to me yeah
Woahhh oh no no no
Baby please dont go girl noooooooo

via - (

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

BLS ~ Permanent Marker #1 (Prologue)

I rushed into the hallway and ran through the crowds. As usual, all they did that morning was just gossiping and kind of that disgusting activity. Some of them pointing towards me and started laughing in whisper. Oh God, if it's not because I was in hurry, I'd like to land my hand on their fucking mouths. But for now, perhaps, it's just gonna be a waste of time.

My classmate, Jennifer - not too close with me - said that Dr. Simmons had been looking for me this whole morning. I had no clue about what's he going to talk about. Well, nonetheless, I wished he was going to talk about the student exchange that'd be held this summer so I could as soon as possible leave this shit, i mean, this school.

I went to Melbourne High School in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. This sucks! Not this school, anyways, but the people here. They're just so annoying and.. I dunno. I just didn't feel comfortable with the crowds. I was well-known in this school, but I wasn't the type of a girl that liked to gossip and gathered with their crowds every morning. For me gossip is just something nasty people do when they have no life and being too stupid to have any hobbies, a real social life, or any shread of concience whatsoever. I... I knew that I was totally different with the other girls here. The only one who made me feel comfortable being around him is just my best friend, his name's Bailey. He's kind of a sweet guy with dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He's a little bit taller than me and the point was he's so funny and attractive.

I just wanted to turn to the school garden when suddenly someone's shoulder bumped mine and all the books I was carrying fell on the floor. Another bad luck for today, huh? Kill me. Without looking anywhere but where the books are scattered, I picked up the books and  brought them back into my embrace.

"Bitch, have your eyes on your face?"

"Wha.." I cut off, staring at the owner of that squeaky voice in slight surprise for a moment. I guessed that's Ashlea, Ashlea Scalett.

I gave her a pointed look. She crossed her arms on her chest and merely wagged her eyebrows at me suggestively. I gave a small shake of my head.

There was silence, before Ashlea spoke. "Then get out of my way!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief. Complete anger and confusion immediately washed over me, and the only thought that came to my mind was 'what the fuck?!'

Back to the last winter, the only reason why I was in disbelief, I hated to say this but, she was my best friend. Things had gotten so awkward since those beautiful times had changed into nightmares for me. I used to be good friends with this bitch - sorry, PWMS (pissed at women-men syndrome) - for like 5 years, and when we had a fallout, she went around gossiping all of my personal shit to people behind my back. I blamed the douchebag that's standing next to her right now, he had change my best friend, i mean ex-best friend, into a total slut.

I merely stood still, my eyes were on her. I took one or two steps to the right, letting her got what she wanted.

There was another pause.

"Let's get outta here, babe." Brandon, her boyfriend, ran one hand along her waist. They turned and walked off down the hallway, leaving me alone.

I stared longingly across the hallway like some girl in a chick flick, making me almost forget about the meeting with Dr. Simmons.


I was about to hold the handle of the door as the door had opened by itself. An old man figure was standing right in front of me, Dr. Simmons.

I broke my lips into a small grin.

"Oh, Alyssa Cole. I've been looking for you the whole morning." He stated.

I shook my head, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry sir, I was..."

He cut my words off. "Let's just take a seat. There's something important about your... student exchange."

YES!! Like I said, he's gonna talk about that. Exactly. I stared at him for several moments, stunned and quiet frankly unsure how I should about responding. Suddenly, an overview of a crowded big city, London, filled my mind.

I took a seat right in front of Dr. Simmons. But I didn't get why he looked so guilty. Oh c'mon, I'm gonna be the one for the student exchange, I'd bring the good name of this school and keep it. So why he looked so damn melancholy. It's not because he'd miss me right?

"Well, Miss Cole. As I have already told you. You're going to be in a student exchange."

I nodded, understand. He gave me a pointed look.

"Somewhere in London right, Sir?"

He shook his head, seeming guilty, again. Wait, what? Did he shake his head?

"The student exchange program to London has been canceled-" He stated. "But you're going to somewhere else." He added.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes because of the frustration that was currently racing through my veins, I took a deep breath. "Where is it?"

"Ontario. Yeah, Canada, more specifically.. Stratford."

I could barely move, think, or even really function at all. I was too shock over what was happening. Stratford? Are you kidding, man?

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

An Upcoming FanFiction

Well, I'm about to post a Bieber Love Story in English. so here's the teaser :p and btw, sorry for the language ;)

Hurrying after me, Selena reached out and grabbed my arm, clearly in an attempts to catch up with me in my mad rush to exit the living room.

I turned my head sharply to look at her, my eyes bright as my stomach made an unpleasant swoop. "What?" I asked, my tone a bit snappier that I intended.

For a long moment, the two of us stared at one another, until finally she cleared her throat and began to talk. "I just want to talk to you, there's..." She broke off for a moment. "Something I need to tell you."

"I'm not talking to you! I don't give a fuck what you think or why you want to talk to me. Okay? So just leave me the fuck alone!"

She gave me a strange look, her eyes widened in evident surprise. "No." She hissed immediately, his eyes flashing. "Not until you hear me out."

The story will soon be posted in this blog :)

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

The UnforgEIGHTable Moments

Nggak kerasa udah tiga tahun SMPN 8 Yogyakarta jadi rumah kedua untuk aku :) nggak kerasa juga banyak banget pengalaman yang terjadi selama aku sekolah di sini. Kalau disuruh nyeritain semua pengalaman yang nggak terlupakan, mungkin sehari aja nggak cukup ngetiknya. Berhubung di suruh nulis pengalaman yang terindah / tak terlupakan... KENANGAN PULAU DEWATA jadi pengalaman yang paling berkesan dan nggak akan bisa dihapus sama penghapus dari bahan apapun (alay) O:)

Waktu di Bali....
itu pertama kalinya aku ke sana. Paling nyenengin lagi karena ke sananya bareng-bareng hoeek kids / anak-anak 7-9 :)

Waktu di Bali....
banyak banget tempat yang dikunjungi bareng temen-temen. Ada pantai kuta, sanur, tanjung benoa, jangkrik, sukowati, bedugul, kintamani, garuda wisnu kencana, dll. Di jalan juga ada PLTU

Waktu di Bali....
untuk pertama kalinya bikin banjir kamar hotel bareng Arlin, Olas, Ata, Syahni. Pengalaman yang sangat lol dan itu baru pertama kali kejadian di hotel itu =))

Waktu di Bali....
yang lain pada sibuk cari makan, mau tidur, telfon keluarga, aku, Patria, Varell, Ata, Arlin, Olas, Syahni, Vivin, Dhea, Laily pergi ke Jalan Legian malem-malem cari makan sama jalan-jalan bareng kakeknya (kalau nggak salah) Patria :D

Waktu di Bali....
di bis main kartu bareng, domikado, nyanyi bareng, motoin orang-orang yang pada tidur dan waktu dilihat hasil fotonya, ekspresinya beda-beda =))

Waktu di Bali....
Dena and Ata in action =)) aku motongin koyok kecil-kecil trus Ata mbantuin nempelin di mukanya Arlin, pas Arlin bangun katanya mukanya panas banget =D lololol

Waktu di Bali....
banyak banget pengalaman yang nggak bisa diceritain satu-satu di blog ini :)

Di kelas delapan juga ada banyak pengalaman spesial tapi nggak sama hoeek kids karna kelasnya dipisah-pisah. Yang berkesan waktu aku, Namira, Ichi, Bella pergi sama anak-anak kelas lain ke Kinahrejo, nengok Gunung Merapi yang barusan meletus. Di sana kita foto-foto banyaaaak banget di antara debu-debu dan panasnya terik matahari.

Dua pengalaman tadi jadi yang paling berkesan sampai saat ini :)

Tips Mempercantik Blog

Annyeong! (lagi) :D Mumpung lagi baik mau post beberapa tips untuk mempercantik blog O:) check these out!

1. Membuat "grab button"
> login ke blog lalu buka layout --> add page elements --> HTML/Javascript
> copy kode ini

> ubah tulisan "YOURBLOGADDRESS" dengan alamat blogmu dan simpan.
grab button siap digunakan :)

2. Menambah kotak pesan
> buka situs ini --> lalu daftar dengan memasukan e-mail dan password
> setelah pendaftaran berhasil, pilih type shoutbox yang diinginkan lalu klik continue -> go to my control panel now --> setting shoutboxmu sesuka hati
> jika sudah selesai, klik menu Get Codes

> jika ingin menaruh shoutbox di blog kamu, pilih "Place Shoutbox on Webpage" --> copy di dalam kotak "generated codes"

> login ke blog lalu pilih layout --> add page elements --> HTML/Javascript --> paste kode di kotak content lalu simpan.
chat box langsung bisa digunakan untuk chatting di blogmu :)

3. Membuat pesan pembuka
> login ke blogmu --> design --> edit html
> centang expand template widget
> cari kode dan letakkan kode ini di atas kode head tersebut :

<SCRIPT language='JavaScript'>alert(&quot;&quot;);</SCRIPT>
pesan pembuka bisa diganti-ganti sesuai keinginan :)
semoga tips di atas bisa membantu :D kalau kurang jelas kunjungi alamat-alamat tutorial blog yang disarankan di postingan sebelumnya. Gomawo :)

Tutorial Blog

Annyeong! :D Ada beberapa alamat untuk tutorial blog nih :) bisa untuk mempercantik blog dan ngeramein blog dengan gadget baru. Ada juga cara mudah dan cepat step-by-step untuk bikin blog baru. check these out!

> (ada backgrounds, templates, dan pictures yang girly)

> (step-by-step untuk memulai bikin blog baru dengan mudah dan cepat)

> (tutorial membuat blog baru dan artikel yang pas untuk ditaruh di blog. Ada juga gadget gadget baru yang jarang ditemui)

> (kita bisa bikin gadget sendiri, ada jam, penghitung pengunjung, dll)

> (tips untuk mempercantik blog dan menambah gadget baru yang jarang dipakai tapi membantu di sini)

> (kita bisa bikin music box di blog dengan playlist sesuai dengan keinginan kita)

semoga alamat-alamat di atas bisa membantu, jangan lupa dicoba :)

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Stop Motion Video

Stop Motion bikinanku yang pertama :] lagunya Justin Bieber - Mistletoe :) hope you enjoy watching it..

Bikin Ngiler :9

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012


I got this broadcast message from my friend :') it's nothing for you, but for me, it makes me cry...

BELIEBERS, read this while listening to "Down to Earth"..

Someday Justin Bieber is going to come to an end. Someday when I'll have children and grandchildren, my grandchildren will read the news and they will say, 'Granny, (Justin is dead) who is he?'

Then I'm gonna go in my room and look at my stuff, CDs, I'll switch them on and tears will begin to flow from m eyes. I'll look at thousand of magazines, his pictures. That piece of paper, that ticket which brought me so much happiness. I'll watch his videos, read his books. I'll remember of the days when I saw his eyes, his hair, heard his voice.
I'll remember the day when I first heard Baby.
I'll remember all the fights I had with the haters, and all Beliebers who I met over the internet.
I will remember Derek, Ninja.
The first time when I went to his concert. The tears which I wept, I will remember the first time when I watched his Baby video.

I felt so close to him. Pride, passion, love, all his learning. So many memories, so many dreams, so many emotions will come to me while tears will be falling.
My ears will remember screaming on the concert, my anticipation.
I'll remember that Justin Bieber loves me.
I'll remember every sentence, all his mistakes.

Then my grandchildren will come and they'll ask what happened. I will smile and say to them,
'That boy was the first boy i have ever loved. He taught me that dreams come true and that distance isnt problem for love. He taught me to help people in need, he taught me that all of us are beautiful.
How much it hurts me, I'm happy, because that man is in heaven and for the first time he is around the angels.'

I will look trough the window and say,
'Goodbye Justin, I will always love you and I will never ever ever forget you.'

well, it really works on me, i mean, i was crying while reading this :") haha seriously, it's a sad broadcast.
But i dont want Justin to die...
i dont wanna lose him
i first heard one time, not baby, but thats so amazing..
i first watched one less lonely girl...
i've never gone to his concert and i hope this year that will happen :'
i dont wanna remember his mistakes because i cant and i dont see any mistakes that he has made...
and i wanna be one of the angels :)
cause I'm a belieber and I'm proud of Justin Bieber~

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012


Cuma mau ngeluarin pendapat pribadi aja seputar twitter yang nggak bisa lepas dari anak-anak remaja. Aku sendiri bisa dibilang addicted to twitter saking banyaknya curhatan ke twitter =))
punya twitter kayaknya jadi sebuah keharusan. tapi nggak punya? fine fine aja. sebenernya tergantung kebutuhan juga. banyak yang talk less tweet more -__- mereka lebih suka ngungkapin apa yang ada di pikiran mereka lewat twitter, jadi mereka bikin twitter. Tapi ada kalanya twitter jadi "an annoying thing"

1. Tweet Sindir
banyak yang sering kesindir gara-gara tweet seseorang yang padahal nggak maksud untuk nyindir. twitter jadi tempat orang untuk nge-bully gara-gara salah paham -__-

2. Bacot Bacot!!!
banyak yang suka menuhin TL (Time Line) pake tweet-tweet bagus kayak quotes :3 tapi nggak sedikit yang sukanya ngebacot. dari twitter, seluruh dunia bisa tahu apa yang kita omongin. termasuk kata-kata yang nggak pantes dipublikasiin. banyak yang bacot nggak penting -___-

3. Update Terus
"makan" "tidur" "pergi" "males" "capek" kadang banyak yang pengen nge-tweet tapi nggak tau apa. jadi mereka banyak yang ngetweet kata-kata singkat. padahal itu cuma menuhin TL followers dan kurang tepat. kita kan bisa ngembangin kata-kata, jadi yang baca juga nggak bosen. siapa tahu ada yang mantau kita =)

itu aja sih. eh, masih banyak sebenernya -_- tapi rata-rata itu yang bikin twitter jadi nyebelin. Anyway, follow twitter penulis bisa? =) @susandenam gracias :)

quotes #1

Being any kind of happiness is better than being miserable about someone you can't have

I am a girl not a barbie. i want to be respected , not to be played. i'm here to love you, not to hear your bullshit :p

Sekolah Baru, Adaptasiiiii

Alhamdulillah akhirnya kurang lebih udah sebulan aku diterima di SMA baru, SMA N 8 Yogyakarta :-) Walaupun belum terlalu mantap karena nem terbatas untuk masuk ke SMA yang diidam-idamkan #eaaaa. Kesan pertama masuk sini, WAW. mosnya bener-bener nggak aneh-aneh, siswanya cuma duduk, dengerin penjelasan di Aula berjam-jam dan nggak ada tes mental kayak di sekolah-sekolah lain. Alhamdulillah sih.

Pertama kita dibentuk kelas mos. Kebetulan aku masuk ke kelas X-H, yang nantinya jadi kelas CI / Akselerasi setelah kebentuk dan X-H bakalan dihilangin. Bener-bener udah klop dan ngerasa cocoook bangetbangetbanget sama temen-temennya tapi tiba-tiba... Tadi pagi diacak lagi. Kelas X-H doang. Nyesek sih iya, tapi kita udah coba ngomong sama kesiswaan dan nggak ada hasilnya. Jadi kita cuma bisa pasrah.

Begitu masuk ke kelas baru, ekspektasinya sih bakalan langsung gampang adaptasi, ngikutin pelajaran kayak biasa waktu di kelas X-H... tapi ternyata...... EKSPEKTASI SALAH BESAR. bener-bener bingung karena pertama kali masuk pelajaran biologi dan ada ulangan bab virus. Bejonya lagi, X-H belum diajarin apa-apa tentang bab itu. Tapi untungnya gurunya pengertian, dibatalin deh ulangannya jadi habis lebaran. Habis itu pelajaran-pelajaran lain lumayan bisa ngikutin, sampek pelajaran terakhir fisika, bener-bener NGGAK ADA YANG MASUK. kelas X-H ketinggalan jauh dan kita nggak tau apa-apa. bener-bener cuma mlongo ngedengerin gurunya njelasin sementara anak-anak penghuni lama jawab serempak seakan mereka bener-bener udah belajar itu dari lama, sedangkan kita NOL BESAR. syok banget jujur. dan waktu kita pulang sekolah dan sharing sama anak-anak kelas X-H lainnya, ternyata sama aja. Mereka juga ngerasain hal yang sama. Mereka bener-bener ngerasa ketinggalan pelajaran. Dan jeng jeng jeng... berakhirlah kita semua ke BK (Bimbingan Konseling) untuk minta pendapat ke guru-guru.

Setelah diskusi, ternyata hasilnya sama aja. Guru-guru cuma minta kita mencoba dan adaptasi. Yeah they said so cause they never experienced it -_- kesel bangetbangetbangetan tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Lebih kesel lagi waktu kelas lain tau kita protes pengen semua diacak dan mereka malah bilang kelas kita emang pantes diacak dan kelas mereka enggak. mereka bisa bilang gitu karena nggak ngerasain. but it's okay lah :-) intinya ya kita harus adaptasi sama lingkungan baru yang kita tempati. Ada untungnya sih, bakal nambah temen. Tapi sulit banget nyempil-nyempil ke kelas yang udah nggerombol gitu ._.

Ini nggak penting, tapi makasih yang mau baca :-) sekedar mengisi waktu luang setelah seharian berbalut kelelahan. Sekian :D

BLS ~ Permanent Marker #4 (Forgive Me)

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a few times. My temples were throbbing and I felt as if my brain were about to explode. I lifted my head off the pillow. My eyes hurt so much. I turned right to look up at the mirror and saw myself. I looked like a total shit. My hair's messed up roughly and my eyes were puffy-red. I felt my eyes drawn to the rectangular alarm clock that rested on the end table. Green numbers glared from the black surface, their links forming to read '08:36 AM'.

I rubbed my eyes slowly, letting out a sigh.

I didn't sleep well.

I could barely sleep, a figure of Justin came across my mind and every single time of last night make-out session was stuck there made the frustration that was currently racing through my veins become worse. An annoying voice echoed like I had a brain-damage. I took a deep breath.

What the hell did I think? Why the fuck did I do that stupid thing? Why did I become such a dumbass? I wasn't wasted, I wasn't drunk at all and I thought clearly.

I hated the fact that I kissed him back.

I barely even knew him.

'And this was Justin Bieber that you were talking to yourself about, Alyssa Cole. He was a teen pop phenomenon and you kissed him last night without even thinking. You're so pathetic.' I shook my head in slight disgust.

Suddenly came a voice that sounded so familiar. "Alyssa? You there? You in? You okay? You-"

"Chaz.." I replied in a hoarse voice. "I'm okay." I lied as my vision blurred. I felt like I wanna trow up.

"Can I come in?" Chaz asked quietly.

I covered my eyes with my arms and took a long-deep breath. "Yes Chaz." I mumbled.

The door was ajar, and a figure of Chaz appeared in the doorway. He looked super worried. I positioned myself to sit and motioned him to sit next to me.

"Alyssa, are you crying?" He asked me in high-pitched voice. He grabbed my chin and looked deep into my eyes.

I merely nodded, told him I was crying but I was not going to tell him about what happened the last night.

"Hey, what happened? Just.. tell me." He asked, now in low voice. His other hand landed in my cheek and rubbed it slowly, wiping my tears off.

I was confused by the moment. Should I tell him or just pretend like nothing happened? I might barely know Chaz, but I could tell he's a type of guy that couldn't let a girl crying in front of him. My fear was he's going to be pissing off to Justin and beat him or some more ridiculous things would happen. He'd not just sit here and saw me cry. He'd do something if he'd known what's the cause of my tears.

I took a deep breath. My eyes flickered upwards to stare back into his and i gave a small shake of my head.

"Alyssa, tell me!" He gave me a look of the merest confusion then he threw his hands away. "Is it a guy? I'll go ninja on him. Trust me that's..." He made some random hand gestures. "That's exactly going to happen." His eyebrows crinkled in confusion.

I gave a small shrug. "Chaz, you have nothing to do for me."

His jaw was set as I said so. "Did you just say you don't want to let me beat that fucking guy that I don't know who?" He furrowed his eyes in a slight anger. "Geez, that's not so me dude."

"I haven't even mention if a guy causes this." I replied bitterly.

He snapped his fingers. "But I know you would say so. Look, Alyssa, you said you want me to be your brother, and a brother's job is to protect his sister. And that's why I'm here. For you."

I began massaging my shoulder with a merest confusion in my mind. "Chaz, you-"

"I would do anything for you, Alyssa."

I cut off, staring at him in slight surprise for a moment. How the hell could he say so if he just knew me.

"I know that sounds cheesy. But it's true." He stated.

But then a smile grew on my face. I looked up to meet his gaze. "Thanks." I replied quietly. "Like you have no clue how much this means to me. I mean, you are already here for me. That means a lot." I added shyly, feeling my cheeks burnt.

Chaz gave me a smile in return. "Now, tell me who it is."

"Justin." I said simply.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "What?" He asked quickly.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't spell that guy's name wrong."

"What the fuck did he do to you?" He asked angrily.

I shrugged. "Well, he-"

"Though he is my best friend, I swear to God, I'm going to fucking kick his ass so hard." He muttered angrily under his breath, cutting across me.

"Chaz!" I yelled at him.

He merely looked at me in disbelief. His eyebrows still furrowed.

I shook my head slightly. "I'm sorry, I just... Listen, he didn't do anything bad to me."

"Go on." He replied impatiently.

"He kissed me." I stated quietly.

Chaz mouthed something that I thought was 'what?' "He kissed you?" He asked after he found his voice.

I nodded. "Yes, yes he kissed me."

"What the fuck?" He threw his hands in the air. An anger expression spread across his face. His eyebrows furrowed tighter. "You two just met and then you made out the other day?"

My jaw was dropped. I was unsure about how to respond. Chaz looked so pissed off and yet, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. "Chaz.." I said slowly.

"What?" He yelled at me in complete anger.

I covered my mouth in disbelief, staring at Chaz blankly and internally trying to process what's happening.

Chaz shook his head in disgust. "How could you two do something like that?" He looked up to send me a gaze.

I stared at him glumly for several long moments, biting my lip and sighing.

I was still shocked.

First, last night, Justin Bieber, my biggest idol ever, kissed me and made out with me. I might be happy cause it's my idol! That's what every belieber out there always wanted. It's every belieber's dream. But, now everything seemed different to me. I regretted doing that.

But I enjoyed it too.

Second, Chaz was so pissed off. I could not help but set my jaw with annoyance. Dammit. I had been hoping he wouldn't be so over-reacting after he heard this news from my own mouth. It was unexpected. Why the hell did he react so over like that?

Feeling slightly frustrated, I began to wrack my brains then, thinking furiously about some form of thing to say in response to that.

Once he'd realized that I didn't answer at all, he stood up and walked towards the threshold.


He merely ignored me, keeping his gaze focused on the door.

When he'd finally made it to the outside of my room, he turned back and stared at me blankly for a moment before my words seemed to register, for at that moment, he blinked and stated, "Sorry, Allie."


I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flicked it unlocked, staring blankly down at the screen where a new text message was displayed.

From: Chaz Somers
hey buddy, we need to talk. meet me. scoopers. now.

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, staring at the text blankly, then finally, I licked my lips and responded to the text, my fingers flying across the smooth glass surface of the touch-screen phone.

From: Justin Bieber
already here, Jerk. what do u wanna talk about?

I had just clicked my phone off and then I felt my phone vibrate again, causing me to jump.

I flicked it open and squinted slightly to make out the text message.

From: Chaz Somers
sumthin important. wait, omw

What the hell was he going to talk about? I wasn't in mood to talk to people since last night. A remembrance from that 'accident' really bothered me.

Caitlin with that fucking guy?

Or my accidental make-out session with Alyssa?

Both. I guess.

I felt like an annoyed shit. I didn't even talk to my mom since then. Sometimes she made me feel better through my problems. But this time, I didn't feel it's important to be shared with her. I just wanted to be alone right now but Chaz ruined it. He's standing in front of me right now. Looking at me with a merest disgust look that'd spread across his face.

"Umm.. Hi." I called.

He walked towards me and put on an expression like a PMS woman. I could tell he's completely pissed off.

With me. Maybe.

"Sup?" I asked quietly after he took a seat in front of me.

He drummed the table with his fingers impatiently. "What did you do last night?"

I furrowed my eyebrows tight. "What's that?"

Chaz rolled his eyes, seemed feel annoyed. "What did you do to Alyssa?"

I tore a gaze away, biting my lips in confusion.

"Justin!" He yelled and pounded the table. Immediately, several people around us turned to look at us, giving us weird look.

I felt my face burn bright red as I realized how loud that must have been. But Chaz seemed don't give a damn.

"Fine." I mumbled. "I kissed her."

He gave me a look, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. "Gee." He commented sarcastically. "Guess you're trying to hit on her."

I widened my eyes, shaking my head. "No. I just... I was depressed."

"Lie." He rolled his eyes. "God, you're so fucking annoying sometimes." He muttered irritably.

I sighed. "True, but you are always annoying."

His eyebrows shot up and a look of complete surprise came over his face. "That's not the way a guy talks to his best friend, is it, Bieber?" He raised his eyebrows annoyingly.

It was then I felt my stomach drop the merest bit and a small feeling of guilt swept over me. "Listen, I didn't mean saying that. I'm not in mood talking to people."

He merely looked at me, completely annoyed. "Forget it." He began coldly. "Just tell me the truth. Why?"

"Oh.." I said softly under my breath. "Like I told you, I was depressed. I saw Caitlin making out with a guy and that mind of doing a revenge came across my mind and I ended up kissed her." I explained honestly.

"But you couldn't just kiss her and ditch her like this."

"I didn't and don't ditch her!" I yelled. And again, people gave us a weird look.

Chaz threw his hands away. "Okay." He sighed. "But did you kiss her? You're hitting on her huh?" He looked down to his shoes.

"You jealous, buddy?"

He began massaging his forehead slightly and shrugged. "Dunno."

"Well, I can tell you are jealous."

"Hey! I'm not jealous." Chaz began, looking up at me to send me a glare with his narrowed eyes. "I just... I.." He shrugged.

I tidied my grey hoodie and licked my lips. "Admit it, you're jealous."

"Fine. I am." He stated simply.

Exhaling, I straightened up in my seat. To be honest, I was a little shocked right now. Of course Chaz was a kind of guy that liked to make out with some random school sluts but he usually didn't care about those girls. But that's definitely before Kayley came to his life. All he cared about was only Kayley. He's madly in love with her.

And now this Alyssa girl seemed a big deal for Chaz.

He cared about Alyssa.

"Kayley won't like to hear that." I commented quietly, flipping my hair to the side.

Another silent exchanged seemed to pass between us that apparently decided on something, for at that moment, Chaz nodded his head. "I know."

"Should I call her now?" I asked as I pulled out my phone from my pocket.


I stared down at my phone. "Alyssa."

"Oh." Chaz stopped for a moment. "You should. Considering you have to go to Los Angeles tomorrow for the MMVA."

I looked up at him for a moment before began speaking, "I will take Jaxon to LA with me and my dad. Jazzy is staying with Erin, can you at least visit her just for tomorrow?"

His face broke into a grin. "Kay. I'll take her out with Alyssa."

I grinned back at Chaz, nodding at him in agreement.

And my fingers began scrolling the touch-screen to find Alyssa's number that I got yesterday.

Once I found it, I touched "Call" and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" A raspy voice asked breathlessly into the phone. She seemed haven't got up from her bed.

I cleared my throat slightly. "Alyssa?"

"What?" She replied bitterly.

I glanced up at Chaz and gave him a nervous look. He merely sat there and smirked at me. I looked away again. "Listen, I.. I want to apologize."

There was a pause.

"I'm sorry." I added quietly.

"What for?" Alyssa asked, her voice beginning to sound clear.

I took a deep breath, frantically trying to decide the best way to go about answering her. "Last night." I answered as a nervous giggle came from my mouth.

"Oh." She replied, her voice cracking. "Nothing to forgive."

I sighed. "Look. I'm so sorry for being such an asshole last night." I stopped and looked around. "I impudently kissed you."

It was when that a sudden flash of remembrance hit me, and I was reminded of Caitlin kissed that strange guy and then I suddenly kissed Alyssa without even thinking.

I inhaled deeply, letting it out with a shuddering wave of nerves.

I was met with a resounding silence on the other end.

"Alyssa?" I called quietly, awkward.

"Yeah?" He called back flatly.

I twisted my fingers as I looked down. There was an awkward air between us. I didn't know what to say as the respond.

"You know Justin?" She began. "I was just shocked about what was going on last night. That's why I ran away without even leaving a word. I didn't know how to think or speak. I was so ridiculously shocked and my brain wracked as I tried to think clearly. I just didn't expect that you would do something like that. I mean, that's not a bad thing. But saw that you're stressed out about that girl named Caitlin kissed another guy and suddenly kissed me. I think that's a revenge, wasn't it?" He finished with a question that I couldn't process.


Of course that's a revenge.

And now a ton of guilts came across my mind, making my brain wanted to explode.

I shook my head slightly in disbelief. "Listen, Al. I didn't mean to do a revenge." I stated as Chaz put his hand on my right shoulder with a questioning look spreading across his face. His jaw was set and his eyebrows furrowed tight.

I slumped my shoulders and gave him a desperate look.

"It's okay." Alyssa stated simply.

"You know what I said to you that night?" I asked her, trying to remember what I did last night. She blushed a lot when I called her 'beautiful'.

And that was not a bullshit.

At all.

She was so good-looking. She's beautiful for sure. Her dark brown hair and hazel eyes were just so imperfectly perfect. Her skin's perfectly tanned and she's so damn skinny. Her face blushed a lot and made her look cuter.

I heard Alyssa mumbled. "Umm... yes."

I smiled slightly. "Well, that's definitely the reason why I... did that 'thing'." I looked at Chaz nervously. Trying my best not to speak too out loud so that Chaz won't hear.

I could hear she was giggling. "Bullshit." She stated after she stopped giggling.

And suddenly my smile faded away, replaced by a confused-look. "Hey! I'm not bullshitting."

"Then remember me again what you said last night."

I cleared my throat slightly in nerves. "Okay here. You are beautiful."

Chaz said noiseless and it seemed like 'what the fuck' whatsoever.

I pulled the phone away from my ear. "Calm the fuck down, bro. I'll explain, later. Okay?"

He crossed his arms and looked away, nodding.

I sighed before taking the phone closer to my ear again. "Al, do you forgive me?"

There was a long pause until Alyssa began. "Yes, yes I forgive you." She replied.

I widened my eyes in happiness. "Really?"

I could hear she chuckled. "Sure, Bieber."

"Thanks." I stated as I felt a blush creeped up onto my cheeks and they began looking red. "Wanna hang out? I'll pick you up." I asked awkwardly.

"Sounds good. I'll be ready at two."

I snapped the phone shut.

Chaz was clearly annoyed by the way I called Alyssa 'beautiful'. It was funny to see his expression because honestly Chaz never cared about a girl like this. And oh, I was going to hang out with Alyssa. Guess Chaz didn't like the idea. Seemed bad but I just wanted to hang out with Alyssa, just two of us without Chaz. Considering I'd leave Stratty to Los Angeles tomorrow, I wanted to talk face-to-face with her. Plus, I was so depressed so without being an asshole, i admitted that seeing her gorgeous face might cure this heartache.


BLS ~ Permanent Marker #3 (You Certainly Know You're Beautiful)

"I always love this place!" Chaz yelled. He threw his hand in the air happily, giving a cheeky grin at me.

I rolled my eyes in confusion. "What the hell is this place?"

Chaz clasped his hands. "Avon-" He broke off for a moment. "Theatre."

My eyes widened in evident surprise. "You've got to be kidding me!"

He merely shrugged.

"Chaz.." I looked around, checking out. "It's-" I covered my mouth in a slight disbelief as if my tears began to show. "Amazing."

He nodded his head solemnly. "Yeah." He replied. "Have waited for years for this day to come, Alyssa Bieber?"

I smacked him on the arm. "Shut up. You're annoying."

"Oh, you're gonna regret it. Just wait and I'll make you crazy in love with me." He winked teasingly.

"No you won't." I replied, nudging him in the arm.

Chaz shrugged slightly. "Who knows, Babe?" He stated.

"Stop calling me like that, Chaz. I've told you that before and I'm going to kill you. That's annoying, unless I'm your girlfriend. But the fact is I barely know you but you call me with that flirtatious nickname." I stated, shaking my head and feeling my cheeks burn the tiniest bit with a blush.

"Okay.. sorry then. Have I told you it's just funny to make fun of you?"

I nodded.

"Allie, listen. I know that we've just met and we haven't got to know wach other. But since I don't have any sisters nor brothers, I hope you would be my sister. I just-"

"I know how it feels." I said quickly, cutting across him. "And me too, I consider you as my brother."

"Well-" Chaz stopped for a second and looking down at his shoes. "Can I get a hug from you?"

I let out a giggle. "Why not?"

This conversation's awkward though. But I didn't lie. I wanted to consider him as my brother since I don't have any brothers either. And gave him a hug wasn't a bad idea. So I stepped towards him and opened my arms widely, giving him a friendly hug.

"Thanks Allie." Chaz said as his hands slowly went down to my waist.

"Since when you call me 'Allie'?"

Chaz chuckled. "Since you told me to stop calling you 'Babe'."

I broke apart and stared at him with a huge smile, before suddenly, I felt myself turned bright pink and to avoid his gaze I looked away, clearing my throat awkwardly.

"Anyway, your present is waiting outside." He jabbed a finger through my shoulder.

I turned back and furrowed my eyebrows in a slight confusion. "Oh, let's meet 'my present' then." I raised an eyebrow.

"Aight." I heard Chaz's steps being closer to me and suddenly Chaz's hand grabbed mine and then he leaded me to walk outside in unison.

Once we got outside, there was nothing but a person in his gray hoodie. I cleared my throat awkwardly and gave Chaz a who-the-hell-is-he look.

He merely shrugged and raised his eyebrows at me, unclasping his hand and walked towards the guy in gray hoodie. "Hey buddy." Chaz called in a high-toned voice and gave a hug to that mysterious guy. He placed his hands on the guy's shoulders and smiled widely.

The guy turned around and a very-very-familiar-good-looking-and-sexy-face began to show up.

I felt my jaw dropped and hit the ground. My eyes opened widely in utter disbelief as the guy sent me a small grin. 'I know I'm sleeping and having an amazing dream'. This must be the best dream ever and I didn't want to wake up.

"Hey." The guy greeted me in his raspy voice.

I ran a hand through the edge of my hair and replied shyly. "Hi.. Justin Bieber."


Justin took a seat right next to Alyssa while Chaz sat across her. She kept avoiding Justin's gaze but he'd known it. He could tell from the way she smiled, she was blushing every time she talked to Justin and that made her looked tenfold prettier.

"So, how's your days in Chaz's house. I hope Chaz didn't bit you whatsoever." Justin stated and did his best not to laugh.

Chaz gave him a strange look. "What the fuck, dude?"

Justin smacked him on the arm and smirking. "Call down, Somers."

Alyssa blushed in her laugh. "Well.. Justin Bieber, I'm.."

"Justin... Just call me Justin. Okay?"

"Dude, she's just too shocked about what's going on. She meets the teen pop phenomenon, the most famous fucking teenager in the entire goddamn world, the heartthrob that all the girls scream over, the one who-"

"Chaz!" Alyssa yelled at him. "Just.. Shut up." She murmured under her heavy breath, but then she blushed.

Justin laughed hard. "You're blushing that much, huh?" He grinned widely at her. "It's cute, though."

She laughed slightly. "Thanks?"

"That's true, I'm not bullshitting." Justin assured her.

She blushed deeper, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Chaz put his hand on his hips and cocked his head at Justin, raising his eyebrows questioningly. "Trying to flirt her, huh? Trust me dude, I've tried and-" He cleared his throat. "I'm failed." He muttered.

Justin laughed loudly, joined by the chorus of Alyssa's giggle. "But i'm trying and it works."

There was a pause.

Alyssa froze, feeling complete and utter shock take over her, but she knew she'd blushed. "Wait.. what?" She asked loudly after a moment of silence.

Chaz placed his hand around Alyssa's waist and winked at her. "He's flirting on you, babe." He whispered. "Back off dude, she's mine." His arms were shaking as he laughed loudly.

Alyssa pushed him away from her, rolling her eyes and groaning loudly in annoyance. "Shut uppp." She said, playfully smacking him on the arm.

"Is Chaz your boyfriend, Alyssa? Are you two dating?" Justin asked jokingly.

Alyssa groaned loudly again. "Oh my gosh! That's not even funny!"

Chaz and Justin started laughing.

She began massaging her forehead, closing his eyes as she did so. "Can you two just stop? That's annoying. I'm serious."

"I like you too babe." Chaz teased.

Alyssa gave Chaz a pointed look angrily. "What the heck?"

"I like you more babe." Chaz leaned towards Alyssa to kiss her on her cheek but She quickly pushed him away. He just laughed louder. "Chaz! Just stop. It is not even funny."

Justin furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "Buddie, stop it. Done with the joke."

Chaz merely looked at him before he threw his hands away and shrugged. "Fine. End of story." He yelled. "And Alyssa, you can hate me now."

Alyssa tilted her head and shook it, giving Chaz a huge smile. "I know you were joking. So, no, I won't hate you for a stupid reason."

Chaz slung his hand onto her shoulder and smiled widely. "Hehe, thanks cutie."

Alyssa merely looked at her food, feeling a slight blush crept onto her cheeks.

Justin cleared his throat loudly, pretending to look away somewhere. A random feeling came across his mind as he turned to look at Chaz and Alyssa and saw them hugging each other with amusement. He faked a small smile as the two broke apart.

And suddenly, a loud ringing penetrated the air. Chaz's phone was ringing.

"I'll be back in seconds." He said before he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Alyssa and Justin exchanged looks and then nodded in unison. Chaz left the two others to the quiet place so that he could answer the call.

There was an awkward moment as Chaz'd left between Justin and Alyssa.

"Nice to meet you, Alyssa." Justin began, smiling widely.

Alyssa gave a small grin. "You too." She replied.

"So, tell me. Are you going to spend this semester in Stratford High School?"

She shrugged. "Actually, these two semesters. I'm staying here for a year." Alyssa stated.

"Cool." He replied simply.

And again a sound of phone going off loudly. Alyssa felt something vibrated as the sound went louder. She reached her phone and flipped it open. He eyebrows furrowed as she checked the front screen of her cellphone. Why did this person call her?

"Who's that?"

She looked up and shrugged. Her eyebrows furrowed even further. "Chaz." She replied as she unlocked the phone, answering the call and pressing the phone to her ear. "Chaz?" She asked.

"Alyssa?" His voice came. "Listen, I gotta pick my mom up at the airport now. Sorry Al, is it okay?"

She glanced up at Justin and nodded. "Yeah Chaz, I'm okay." She stated.

"Justin will drive you home. I'll ask him."

Alyssa nodded in respon, though she knew Chaz couldn't see her. "Thank you. But, I can ask him."

"Okay Al.. Sorry again. See you at home."

"Bye." Alyssa replied.

Pulling the phone away from her ear, she sighed. Staring down at it and pressing the 'end' button. She snapped the phone shut. She sat there for a moment of silence, doing nothing but staring at the phone nervously.

"What did he say?" Justin asked.

Alyssa tried not to blush. She had to ask Justin but since they just met, it's kinda weird to ask him to drive her home now. She didn't use to talk to boys much, moreover asked a guy to drive her home in their first meeting.


Alyssa looked up at Justin. She cleared her throat before she began saying. "Chaz is going to the airport to pick his mom up."


"Since I'm new here and don't know my way back, can you drive me home?" I asked awkwardly.

Her smile grew widely. "Sure. Why not?"

Alyssa laughed slightly in embarrassment. "Thanks."

"With a proviso."

"What is it?"

He folded his arms in front of his chest and looked away to the right, grinning. "We're staying here until I get bored."

"We're what?" Alyssa asked in alarm.

Justin merely shrugged. "Staying here, beautiful." He stated simply.

Alyssa blushed, looking down at her fingernails and examining them shyly, a rouge tinge creeping up her cheeks. "Okay and.. thanks." She said quietly.

And here they are, laughing their asses off like complete idiots.


Justin stopped his car slowly, turning his head to look at me in the passenger seat next to him. A wide smile spread across his good-looking face. His hazel eyes bored into mine. I'd been spending the whole day with him, since Chaz left us at Avon Theater, and now he'd driven me home. I wondered idly what time was it, but my mind was for the most part focused entirely on one thing, the moment when Justin had called me beautiful.

I just couldn't seem get it out of my head.

Regardless, it was practically driving me insane.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thanks, Justin." I stated quietly.

I stared at Justin for a moment. He stared back at me for a moment in silence.

"You know? You are beautiful."

I could do nothing but stare at him in shock. This is what I'd been thinking. He'd called me beautiful for the second time. It seemed completely and unlike Justin to say something like that in such a non-flirty, genuine way.

And suddenly, he leaned forward and holding my face in his hand. His lips is inches away from mine. And so, without really thinking about anything else at the moment, I reached my hand up, wrapped my fingers around the side of his neck and leaned up towards him. We both closed our eyes.

"Baby!" Someone outside the car yelled loudly.

I quickly broke apart before my lips would press against him. He cleared his throat awkwardly and turned to look straight at the street.

I started massaging my forehead. Thank God, whoever that yelled, i owed him a lot.

And suddenly a guy passed the street in front of Justin's car and yelled loudly. "Caitlin."

Justin's hand reached up and immediately shut off the overhead light, plunging the two of us into complete darkness.

"Justin.." I whispered, glancing over at him and I could see him stared at the guy. His face was solemn with the merest anger.

I looked forwards again, directing my gaze back towards the couple in the distance. A brunette girl appeared in a black short shorts and dark blue tank-top. She leaned forwards and placed one hand lightly on the back of the guy's neck, standing up on her tiptoes and placing her lips firmly against his, kissing him passionately.

He reached up rand holding her face in his hand, the other hand was slid onto her waist and kissed her back. They broke apart and the boy slung his arm onto her shoulder, they began walking downwards the street and disappeared.

I trailed off, letting my eyes slide to the right until they landed on the figure of Justin. His whole body looked like it had stiffenef and his jaw was set. And i could tell, he was hurt. Justin Bieber was hurt.

Justin turned to look at me, the faintest trace of surprise etched across his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows and gave him a look of the merest confusion. "Who the hell were they?"

He merely stared at me.


"She was-" He shook his head. "Caitlin."

I stared at him blankly, unsure of what exactly what I should say. I didn't even know who the fuck Caitlin was! "Who.. Who's Caitlin?"

He didn't respond to my question.

"Well-" I began awkwardly, swallowing. "Umm.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine." He replied, shaking his head. "I don't care. I mean.. She's just my crush."

Suddenly I felt a strange sadness seem to take over me, and I stared down at my hands, twisting them awkwardly in my lap.

"Look-" He cut off to clear his throat. "Alyssa, It's fine. I know she has a boyfriend." He finished his sentence.

I whipped my head to the left to stare at him. I closed my eyes and sighed. But before I could open my eyes, I felt Justin's lips crashing down onto mine and I felt him kiss me fiercely, running one hand along my waist and the other through my hair. I was in shock but all I wanted to do was feel his lips against mine. I pressed my lips firmly back against his, feeling some strange sort of happiness course through me, feeling as if I had just kissed soft velvet.

I breathed in a scent of his cologne then, filling my entire nostrills with it and suddenly feeling rush of passion. Next thing I knew we were in an intense make-out session.

After what seemed like hours, we broke apart, gasping for air. I breathed rapidly as my chest rose and fell quickly. And then I opened the car's door and running inside Chaz's house. I couldn't even think about what happened to Justin and me.

BLS ~ Permanent Marker #2 (A Brand New Day)

A month had passed and here I stood in front of my host-family's house in the Stratford, Ontario, Canada, being an exchange student for a year. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the wooden floor of the porch. This house is totally amazing! A luxury wooden house. I convinced myself that I'd be able to adjust quickly.

I knocked the door three times until a boy who looked approximately at the same age with me, or older, I guess, opened the door. He flipped his brown hair that drifted to the left and gave me a strange look, his brown eyes widened in evident surprise. Suddenly, a woman emerged through the door.

"Alyssa Cole?" she asked, pointing a finger at me.

I nodded, tucking some loose strands of my hair behind my ear. "Yep." I replied, popping the 'p'.

"Oh Gosh!" A broad grin spread across her face. She hugged me tightly and then broke apart. "Please come in." She stepped back and lead me entering the house.

I looked back at the boy that's merely standing on the threshold. I stared at him for several moments, ok, he's good-looking. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me. "Distant Relative, huh?"

I shook my head and feeling my cheeks burn the tiniest bit with a lush.

"Chaz, what'd you do there? Help her lifting her luggage up to her room." She pointed a finger to Chaz, giving him a pointed look.

Chaz snorted, leaning down to grab my luggage I was holding and then wheel it upstairs to drop off my luggage.

I turned, opening my mouth to respond to her, but she quickly cut across me. "I'm Lee Huston. Mrs. Somers." She stated.

"Well, Mrs. Somers. Thank you for being my host family." I stated in a flattered voice, smiling at her sincerely.

She trotted to hug me. "Consider as your own house." She broke her lips into a small grin. "I have to go for a while now. Chaz will stay with you to give a little tour."

I nodded, feeling a slight burn to my cheeks.

Five minutes afterwards Chaz was there in front of me. I stared at him for a moment. There's something that annoyed me from the first time I saw him. I felt like he was so familiar to me.

"Alyssa Cole, right? I'm.." He broke off for a moment. "Chaz Somers."


"Yes, you can just..."

"Wait, no!" I cried, trying to remember something.

Chaz cut off, staring at me in slight surprise for a moment. I looked down at the ground, shaking my head. "Chaz Somers? That sounds familiar." I said, speaking in low voice so only myself could hear. my eyes flickered upwards to stare back into his and i gave a small shake of my head again. My eyes bright as my stomach made an unpleasant swoop. "Aren't you Chaz Somers? Justin's best friend?" I took a deep breath, jabbing a finger over my shoulder. "Justin... Justin Bieber's best friend?"

Chaz opened his mouth to respond, but I quickly cut across him. "Yes you definitely are!"

He shrugged. "Well, that's right."

"Cool." I stated then burst out laughter.

"What's so funny?" Chaz glared at me in confusion.

I shook my head slightly. "Well, nothing. It's just... It's awkward having you, a best friend of the most teenager in the entire goddamn world, the biggest heartthrob that all the girls scream over, teen pop phenomenon, Justin Bieber as my host-fam." I let out a chuckle.

"I guess you're a huge belieber that'd been diagnosed with Bieber Fever, fangirling over him the whole day and would die to go on tour with him, whatsoever."

"Hey!" I yelled. "I... I'm not that addicted!" I shrugged. "I'm just a fan.."

Chaz grinned at me and halted for a moment. "Well, you have to meet him later."

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks then nodded.

Chaz sat on the couch, motioning me to take a seat next to him. For two or three hours we got to know each other better, laughed at some hilarious jokes - he's a total badass. Having a conversation like that with him seemed like we'd known each other for years. And like there's no tomorrow.


"Wake up sleepyhead.."

"Ummhhh...." I muttered as someone whispered in my ear. "Later mom.."

"Alyssa, Babe, wake up.." That sound went louder.

"Lat..." I opened my eyes in shock, rolling my eyes and landed them on Chaz's eyes who bored into mine.

I almost forgot the fact that I wasn't in Melbourne anymore but it's Stratford and the fact that I lived in Somers house from now on, not mine. It's hard enough to get used to all of this. It's time to start a brand new day here. I sighed, rubbing my forehead with my fingers.

"Just get up, Babe." Chaz stated in a flattered voice, smiling at me sincerely.

I positioned myself to sit. "Don't call me like that." Shaking my head, I reached over to gently smack him on the arms. "I'm not your babe.."

Chaz crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me. "Why, Babe?"

"Just... Don't." I shook my head again and feeling my cheeks began to burn and turn a bright red.

Chaz's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion as he stared straight at me. "C'mon Babe, let's take a walk around."

In spite of how annoying I thought he was, I couldn't help but smile a little. "Kay..." I nodded.

"That's my girl." He replied, winking at me and turned to leave my room.

"Chaz! Shut up!"

He turned to look at me. "What?" Chaz asked, his eyebrows still furrowed. "I'll give you a bieber tour. You know, from the steps of the Avon Theatre where he first started singing, the schools he went to, the ice cream parlour he went to after soccer games and the skate park where he learned his moves for his videos, and..."

"Serious??" I asked in disbelief.

Chaz gave me a little smirk. "I'm just a fan.." Chaz exclaimed, putting on a fake high voice to mimic ME.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him, but then burst out laughing. I felt my face burn with embarrassment and my cheeks turned a brilliant shade of red.

"Someone's blushing now.."

"I'm not blushing." I protested.

“Yes, you are. You’re totally blushing.” Chaz replied, smiling even wider, a teasing expression on his face.

I stared down at my feet. "Shut up, Somers."

There was several very long moments of silence. "Aight, meet me downstairs at seven." He pointed a finger at me.

I merely nodded. I knew I had a huge grin on my face, I was clearly extremely excited.


"So, where are we?" I glanced around, checking out the place where Chaz and I were.

"You don't have any ideas?" Chaz asked.

I shook my head slightly. "I just know that this is exactly a diner?"

"Yep." He replied, popping the 'p'. "King's Buffet." He entered the diner and motioned me to follow him. We ordered the same foods and there was a pause between us for awhile until finally I began to talk.

"So, what's the relation among this diner and Bieber?"

"Well." Chaz started. "It's the location of Justin's first date."

I gave him an 'are-you-serious?' look, tilting my head in confusion.

"You know, where he spilled spaghetti and meatballs all over himself!" He laughed out loud.

I couldn't help but laughed. Of course I knew exactly what this place was. I knew what happened with Justin and his date. I spent hours at home, dating with my computer, reading bieberfacts and fangirling over Justin the whole nights. Of course I knew we're currently at King's Buffet, 1010 Ontario Street.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Chaz seemed annoyed with my gaze.

I shook my head. "It's-" I cut off for a moment. "Nothing. I just thought if Justin was that bad, how about you? You must be the worst man-date." I giggled, snapping my fingers after finishing my sentences.

"Hey!" Chaz yelled at me. "I'm the best date ever. Every girl wants to take me as their date in the next spring date." He winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't try to fool me, Somers."

"I'm not fooling you, Babe." He replied in a raspy voice that sounded so much sexier. "I know you too want to take me as your date." He winked again.

"You wish." I spat bitterly and lowered my face to finish my meal.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked in the middle of finishing my beverage.

Chaz thought for a moment, clearing his throat. "Stratford Perth YMCA. We're gonna hit the basketball court."

"Sounds fun. But I'm such a lame-ass on that game." I blatantly said through narrowed eyes.

Chaz chuckled. "I'll gladly help you."

"as if you can?"

"I'm better than Ryan and Justin." He replied, looking up to send me a grin. "Maybe." He shrugged.

Chaz and I burst out laughing. I looked into his gorgeous eyes as his looked into my bright brown eyes that were framed by dark lashes. There was an awkward pause until I broke the gaze and looked down.

I brushed a stray strand of dark brown hair out of my eyes, tucking my side-swept bangs behind my ear. My dark brown hair completed my olive skin tone nicely.

Chaz cleared his throat loudly. "You know what?"

"What?" I replied without meeting his look.

"You are beautiful-" Chaz cleared his throat again. "Reminds me of my girlfriend."

As I opened my mouth to speak, I felt my breath catch in my throat and a weird sound erupted from my lips.Without notice, my cheeks began to burn and turn bright red, taking over my face like wildfire. I looked up to meet his gaze.

Chaz grinned stupidly at me. "To be honest, you are prettier than her," He said flirtatiously, grinning at me again.

I let out a chuckle. "You always do this to every girl you meet, don't you?"

"No.." Chaz stated, looking at me in alarm. "Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror?"

I felt my cheeks started blushing. I nodded slightly. "But... Chaz. Your girlfriend will dislike that statement if she's here." I jabbed a finger over my shoulder.

He shot me another of his charming smiles. "She's not even here."

I rolled my eyes. "I know that."

Chaz shook his head, glancing down at his meal. "We're...umh. Kind of doing a fucking long-distance relationship. It's suck!"

I open my mouth in disbelief. I never have a thought like this about him before. I meant, I thought he was a kinda guy that's full of PDA whenever and wherever. I didn't know how to react to that unbelievable statement. It froze my mind for a moment and I could barely think or move. This was so unexpected.


Chaz leaned down to grab a basketball and dribbled it. I gazed at him in a so-you-think-you-can-shoot-that-ball-into-the-damn-basketball-ring look. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes.

"This was one of Justin's most frequented courts in Stratford. He spent hours here working out and playing basketball with Ryan and me." He stated as the ball glided smoothly and went into the ring.

'He's good' I thought.

"Kayley used to join us too." Chaz added, broke his face into a fake smile. I could clearly see it through his eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Kayley?"

He refused to meet my eyes. "She's-" His hands were shaking back and forth in weird moves. "My pretty girlfriend."

"Where is she now?" I asked slowly.

Chaz clasped his hands. "Aussie." He began.

"Wow, that's... my hometown."

Chaz's mouth slowly dropped open and he stared in utter disbelief at me. There was a several moment of silence until he tore his eyes away longingly and let out a groan.

"Um, Chaz? Sorry." I walked towards him in a slight guilty. "I didn't mean to.."

"No problem," Chaz stated, cutting me off.

I sighed then tightening my high ponytail before I let it drop down, swinging back and forth once across my shoulders. Chaz let out a small giggle. His expression slowly changed, he turned his head to send me a gorgeous smile. "Let's just move to another place. Basketball ain't a good idea." He slumped his shoulders.

I nodded, clearly understood why so.

"Forget this goddamn conversation and go on. We have to finish this tour soon so that you can get your surprise."


"Oh fuck!" He muttered. "Since I'd told you I have something for you, it's not surprise anymore after all."

I chuckled. "That's okay, Chaz. Let's get outta here."

He furrowed his eyebrows and slung his arm on my shoulder, shooting a cheeky grin at me. "Okay, Babe."

There was a pause.

I gave him a pointed look. "One more 'babe' and I'll kill you, Somers."

He raised his hands as if he'd already given up. "Okay! I won't. It's just so funny to make fun of you." He jabbed a finger over his shoulder and shook his head. "Sorry, Cole."

"That's better," I replied.

(A/N) Sorry for the grammar. I'm not an American, British, nor Australian ._.V

Justin Bieber's Twitter Score Card

  • most influential twitter celebrity 2011 versi majalah Forbes
  • 84.846 kali dalam satu hari nama JUSTIN BIEBER di tweet-checked
  • 11.000 followers baru dalam satu hari
  • 292.069 mentions di hari ulang tahunnya, 1 Maret 2012
  • 3% dari Twitter Traffic dunia berisi tentang JUSTIN BIEBER
  • 100 SKOR KLOUT (score menentukan seberapa terkenal dan berpengaruhnya seseorang di Twitter dengan skor 1-100) @justinbieber
  • 87.882 RETWEET ketika Justin nge-tweet "I'm sexy and I know it."

sumber : majalah kaWanku edisi 126

Justin Bieber - Die In Your Arms Lyrics

Say you love me, as much as I love you
Would you hurt me baby, could you do that to me yeaa?
Would you lie to me baby? Cuz the truth hurts
so much more

Would you do the things that drive me crazy,
leave my heart still at the door?
I can’t help it, I’m just selfish
There’s no way that I could share you

That would break my heart to pieces
Honestly the truth is
If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind
cause everytime you touch me i just

Die in your arms, oh it feels so right
So baby baby please dont stop girl
Oh baby, i know lovin you ain’t easy, but it sure is
worth a try

Ohhh if there is a reason to call me a fool
Cuz i love too hard…are there any rules baby?
If this is a lesson, then baby teach me to behave
Just tell me what i gotta do, just to stay right next to you

I cant help it im just selfish, theres no way that
I could share you
That would break my heart to pieces
honestly the truth is

If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind
Cause everytime you touch me i just

Die in your arms, oh it feels so right
So baby baby please dont stop girl
Basically im saying here, i cant live without my baby
Loving you is so damn easy for me

Aint no need for contemplating, promise you wont keep me waiting
Tell me baby im all that you need
If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind
Cause everytime you touch me

I just die in your arms, oh it feels so right
So baby baby please dont stop girl
If i could die in your arms.
( gonna make you believe girl )
I wouldnt mind

Ay ay ayyyy. Dont stop baby no

Its what you do to me yeah
Woahhh oh no no no
Baby please dont go girl noooooooo

via - (

BLS ~ Permanent Marker #1 (Prologue)

I rushed into the hallway and ran through the crowds. As usual, all they did that morning was just gossiping and kind of that disgusting activity. Some of them pointing towards me and started laughing in whisper. Oh God, if it's not because I was in hurry, I'd like to land my hand on their fucking mouths. But for now, perhaps, it's just gonna be a waste of time.

My classmate, Jennifer - not too close with me - said that Dr. Simmons had been looking for me this whole morning. I had no clue about what's he going to talk about. Well, nonetheless, I wished he was going to talk about the student exchange that'd be held this summer so I could as soon as possible leave this shit, i mean, this school.

I went to Melbourne High School in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. This sucks! Not this school, anyways, but the people here. They're just so annoying and.. I dunno. I just didn't feel comfortable with the crowds. I was well-known in this school, but I wasn't the type of a girl that liked to gossip and gathered with their crowds every morning. For me gossip is just something nasty people do when they have no life and being too stupid to have any hobbies, a real social life, or any shread of concience whatsoever. I... I knew that I was totally different with the other girls here. The only one who made me feel comfortable being around him is just my best friend, his name's Bailey. He's kind of a sweet guy with dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He's a little bit taller than me and the point was he's so funny and attractive.

I just wanted to turn to the school garden when suddenly someone's shoulder bumped mine and all the books I was carrying fell on the floor. Another bad luck for today, huh? Kill me. Without looking anywhere but where the books are scattered, I picked up the books and  brought them back into my embrace.

"Bitch, have your eyes on your face?"

"Wha.." I cut off, staring at the owner of that squeaky voice in slight surprise for a moment. I guessed that's Ashlea, Ashlea Scalett.

I gave her a pointed look. She crossed her arms on her chest and merely wagged her eyebrows at me suggestively. I gave a small shake of my head.

There was silence, before Ashlea spoke. "Then get out of my way!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief. Complete anger and confusion immediately washed over me, and the only thought that came to my mind was 'what the fuck?!'

Back to the last winter, the only reason why I was in disbelief, I hated to say this but, she was my best friend. Things had gotten so awkward since those beautiful times had changed into nightmares for me. I used to be good friends with this bitch - sorry, PWMS (pissed at women-men syndrome) - for like 5 years, and when we had a fallout, she went around gossiping all of my personal shit to people behind my back. I blamed the douchebag that's standing next to her right now, he had change my best friend, i mean ex-best friend, into a total slut.

I merely stood still, my eyes were on her. I took one or two steps to the right, letting her got what she wanted.

There was another pause.

"Let's get outta here, babe." Brandon, her boyfriend, ran one hand along her waist. They turned and walked off down the hallway, leaving me alone.

I stared longingly across the hallway like some girl in a chick flick, making me almost forget about the meeting with Dr. Simmons.


I was about to hold the handle of the door as the door had opened by itself. An old man figure was standing right in front of me, Dr. Simmons.

I broke my lips into a small grin.

"Oh, Alyssa Cole. I've been looking for you the whole morning." He stated.

I shook my head, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry sir, I was..."

He cut my words off. "Let's just take a seat. There's something important about your... student exchange."

YES!! Like I said, he's gonna talk about that. Exactly. I stared at him for several moments, stunned and quiet frankly unsure how I should about responding. Suddenly, an overview of a crowded big city, London, filled my mind.

I took a seat right in front of Dr. Simmons. But I didn't get why he looked so guilty. Oh c'mon, I'm gonna be the one for the student exchange, I'd bring the good name of this school and keep it. So why he looked so damn melancholy. It's not because he'd miss me right?

"Well, Miss Cole. As I have already told you. You're going to be in a student exchange."

I nodded, understand. He gave me a pointed look.

"Somewhere in London right, Sir?"

He shook his head, seeming guilty, again. Wait, what? Did he shake his head?

"The student exchange program to London has been canceled-" He stated. "But you're going to somewhere else." He added.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes because of the frustration that was currently racing through my veins, I took a deep breath. "Where is it?"

"Ontario. Yeah, Canada, more specifically.. Stratford."

I could barely move, think, or even really function at all. I was too shock over what was happening. Stratford? Are you kidding, man?

An Upcoming FanFiction

Well, I'm about to post a Bieber Love Story in English. so here's the teaser :p and btw, sorry for the language ;)

Hurrying after me, Selena reached out and grabbed my arm, clearly in an attempts to catch up with me in my mad rush to exit the living room.

I turned my head sharply to look at her, my eyes bright as my stomach made an unpleasant swoop. "What?" I asked, my tone a bit snappier that I intended.

For a long moment, the two of us stared at one another, until finally she cleared her throat and began to talk. "I just want to talk to you, there's..." She broke off for a moment. "Something I need to tell you."

"I'm not talking to you! I don't give a fuck what you think or why you want to talk to me. Okay? So just leave me the fuck alone!"

She gave me a strange look, her eyes widened in evident surprise. "No." She hissed immediately, his eyes flashing. "Not until you hear me out."

The story will soon be posted in this blog :)

The UnforgEIGHTable Moments

Nggak kerasa udah tiga tahun SMPN 8 Yogyakarta jadi rumah kedua untuk aku :) nggak kerasa juga banyak banget pengalaman yang terjadi selama aku sekolah di sini. Kalau disuruh nyeritain semua pengalaman yang nggak terlupakan, mungkin sehari aja nggak cukup ngetiknya. Berhubung di suruh nulis pengalaman yang terindah / tak terlupakan... KENANGAN PULAU DEWATA jadi pengalaman yang paling berkesan dan nggak akan bisa dihapus sama penghapus dari bahan apapun (alay) O:)

Waktu di Bali....
itu pertama kalinya aku ke sana. Paling nyenengin lagi karena ke sananya bareng-bareng hoeek kids / anak-anak 7-9 :)

Waktu di Bali....
banyak banget tempat yang dikunjungi bareng temen-temen. Ada pantai kuta, sanur, tanjung benoa, jangkrik, sukowati, bedugul, kintamani, garuda wisnu kencana, dll. Di jalan juga ada PLTU

Waktu di Bali....
untuk pertama kalinya bikin banjir kamar hotel bareng Arlin, Olas, Ata, Syahni. Pengalaman yang sangat lol dan itu baru pertama kali kejadian di hotel itu =))

Waktu di Bali....
yang lain pada sibuk cari makan, mau tidur, telfon keluarga, aku, Patria, Varell, Ata, Arlin, Olas, Syahni, Vivin, Dhea, Laily pergi ke Jalan Legian malem-malem cari makan sama jalan-jalan bareng kakeknya (kalau nggak salah) Patria :D

Waktu di Bali....
di bis main kartu bareng, domikado, nyanyi bareng, motoin orang-orang yang pada tidur dan waktu dilihat hasil fotonya, ekspresinya beda-beda =))

Waktu di Bali....
Dena and Ata in action =)) aku motongin koyok kecil-kecil trus Ata mbantuin nempelin di mukanya Arlin, pas Arlin bangun katanya mukanya panas banget =D lololol

Waktu di Bali....
banyak banget pengalaman yang nggak bisa diceritain satu-satu di blog ini :)

Di kelas delapan juga ada banyak pengalaman spesial tapi nggak sama hoeek kids karna kelasnya dipisah-pisah. Yang berkesan waktu aku, Namira, Ichi, Bella pergi sama anak-anak kelas lain ke Kinahrejo, nengok Gunung Merapi yang barusan meletus. Di sana kita foto-foto banyaaaak banget di antara debu-debu dan panasnya terik matahari.

Dua pengalaman tadi jadi yang paling berkesan sampai saat ini :)

Tips Mempercantik Blog

Annyeong! (lagi) :D Mumpung lagi baik mau post beberapa tips untuk mempercantik blog O:) check these out!

1. Membuat "grab button"
> login ke blog lalu buka layout --> add page elements --> HTML/Javascript
> copy kode ini

> ubah tulisan "YOURBLOGADDRESS" dengan alamat blogmu dan simpan.
grab button siap digunakan :)

2. Menambah kotak pesan
> buka situs ini --> lalu daftar dengan memasukan e-mail dan password
> setelah pendaftaran berhasil, pilih type shoutbox yang diinginkan lalu klik continue -> go to my control panel now --> setting shoutboxmu sesuka hati
> jika sudah selesai, klik menu Get Codes

> jika ingin menaruh shoutbox di blog kamu, pilih "Place Shoutbox on Webpage" --> copy di dalam kotak "generated codes"

> login ke blog lalu pilih layout --> add page elements --> HTML/Javascript --> paste kode di kotak content lalu simpan.
chat box langsung bisa digunakan untuk chatting di blogmu :)

3. Membuat pesan pembuka
> login ke blogmu --> design --> edit html
> centang expand template widget
> cari kode dan letakkan kode ini di atas kode head tersebut :

<SCRIPT language='JavaScript'>alert(&quot;&quot;);</SCRIPT>
pesan pembuka bisa diganti-ganti sesuai keinginan :)
semoga tips di atas bisa membantu :D kalau kurang jelas kunjungi alamat-alamat tutorial blog yang disarankan di postingan sebelumnya. Gomawo :)

Tutorial Blog

Annyeong! :D Ada beberapa alamat untuk tutorial blog nih :) bisa untuk mempercantik blog dan ngeramein blog dengan gadget baru. Ada juga cara mudah dan cepat step-by-step untuk bikin blog baru. check these out!

> (ada backgrounds, templates, dan pictures yang girly)

> (step-by-step untuk memulai bikin blog baru dengan mudah dan cepat)

> (tutorial membuat blog baru dan artikel yang pas untuk ditaruh di blog. Ada juga gadget gadget baru yang jarang ditemui)

> (kita bisa bikin gadget sendiri, ada jam, penghitung pengunjung, dll)

> (tips untuk mempercantik blog dan menambah gadget baru yang jarang dipakai tapi membantu di sini)

> (kita bisa bikin music box di blog dengan playlist sesuai dengan keinginan kita)

semoga alamat-alamat di atas bisa membantu, jangan lupa dicoba :)

Stop Motion Video

Stop Motion bikinanku yang pertama :] lagunya Justin Bieber - Mistletoe :) hope you enjoy watching it..

Bikin Ngiler :9


I got this broadcast message from my friend :') it's nothing for you, but for me, it makes me cry...

BELIEBERS, read this while listening to "Down to Earth"..

Someday Justin Bieber is going to come to an end. Someday when I'll have children and grandchildren, my grandchildren will read the news and they will say, 'Granny, (Justin is dead) who is he?'

Then I'm gonna go in my room and look at my stuff, CDs, I'll switch them on and tears will begin to flow from m eyes. I'll look at thousand of magazines, his pictures. That piece of paper, that ticket which brought me so much happiness. I'll watch his videos, read his books. I'll remember of the days when I saw his eyes, his hair, heard his voice.
I'll remember the day when I first heard Baby.
I'll remember all the fights I had with the haters, and all Beliebers who I met over the internet.
I will remember Derek, Ninja.
The first time when I went to his concert. The tears which I wept, I will remember the first time when I watched his Baby video.

I felt so close to him. Pride, passion, love, all his learning. So many memories, so many dreams, so many emotions will come to me while tears will be falling.
My ears will remember screaming on the concert, my anticipation.
I'll remember that Justin Bieber loves me.
I'll remember every sentence, all his mistakes.

Then my grandchildren will come and they'll ask what happened. I will smile and say to them,
'That boy was the first boy i have ever loved. He taught me that dreams come true and that distance isnt problem for love. He taught me to help people in need, he taught me that all of us are beautiful.
How much it hurts me, I'm happy, because that man is in heaven and for the first time he is around the angels.'

I will look trough the window and say,
'Goodbye Justin, I will always love you and I will never ever ever forget you.'

well, it really works on me, i mean, i was crying while reading this :") haha seriously, it's a sad broadcast.
But i dont want Justin to die...
i dont wanna lose him
i first heard one time, not baby, but thats so amazing..
i first watched one less lonely girl...
i've never gone to his concert and i hope this year that will happen :'
i dont wanna remember his mistakes because i cant and i dont see any mistakes that he has made...
and i wanna be one of the angels :)
cause I'm a belieber and I'm proud of Justin Bieber~


Cuma mau ngeluarin pendapat pribadi aja seputar twitter yang nggak bisa lepas dari anak-anak remaja. Aku sendiri bisa dibilang addicted to twitter saking banyaknya curhatan ke twitter =))
punya twitter kayaknya jadi sebuah keharusan. tapi nggak punya? fine fine aja. sebenernya tergantung kebutuhan juga. banyak yang talk less tweet more -__- mereka lebih suka ngungkapin apa yang ada di pikiran mereka lewat twitter, jadi mereka bikin twitter. Tapi ada kalanya twitter jadi "an annoying thing"

1. Tweet Sindir
banyak yang sering kesindir gara-gara tweet seseorang yang padahal nggak maksud untuk nyindir. twitter jadi tempat orang untuk nge-bully gara-gara salah paham -__-

2. Bacot Bacot!!!
banyak yang suka menuhin TL (Time Line) pake tweet-tweet bagus kayak quotes :3 tapi nggak sedikit yang sukanya ngebacot. dari twitter, seluruh dunia bisa tahu apa yang kita omongin. termasuk kata-kata yang nggak pantes dipublikasiin. banyak yang bacot nggak penting -___-

3. Update Terus
"makan" "tidur" "pergi" "males" "capek" kadang banyak yang pengen nge-tweet tapi nggak tau apa. jadi mereka banyak yang ngetweet kata-kata singkat. padahal itu cuma menuhin TL followers dan kurang tepat. kita kan bisa ngembangin kata-kata, jadi yang baca juga nggak bosen. siapa tahu ada yang mantau kita =)

itu aja sih. eh, masih banyak sebenernya -_- tapi rata-rata itu yang bikin twitter jadi nyebelin. Anyway, follow twitter penulis bisa? =) @susandenam gracias :)

quotes #1

Being any kind of happiness is better than being miserable about someone you can't have

I am a girl not a barbie. i want to be respected , not to be played. i'm here to love you, not to hear your bullshit :p